Chapter 14 - Special Friendship

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P.S.A. just breathe deeply okay? 😗✌🏼


For a while nothing was said and they just ate. Rosé was sure this was the most awkward dinner she had ever had. "I ruined it, didn't I?"

"Ruined what?" Jennie asked poking her enchilada.

"Our friendship," Rosé said softly, "I ruined it by kissing you."

Jennie put her fork down and looked at Rosé. She looked so sad and Jennie was sure she saw tears welling up in her eyes. "No. No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did," Rosé said, "I was...."

"Please don't say you were drunk again," Jennie groaned, "I just...I don't want to hear that excuse anymore."

"It's not an excuse," Rosé insisted, "I was drunk, but I knew what I was doing. I wanted to kiss you and I thought that I could just blame it on the alcohol and you wouldn't be mad."

All Jennie could seem to concentrate on was that Rosé had said, she wanted to kiss her. "Why...why would I be mad?"

"Why?" Rosé asked confused, "Because I totally violated your personal space and stuff. And I'm sure you don't have your friends just randomly kiss you."

"No, I don't," Jennie said with a small chuckle, "I'd probably punch them in the face."

"See!" Rosé said, "I didn't want you to punch me in the face!"

Jennie's chuckle turned into a laugh, "I would never punch you in the face Rosie. Especially for kissing me." She cleared her throat before asking the next question. "Why did you want to kiss me?"

Rosé took a deep breath and leaned back, "I guess, I just wanted to...I told you that I had a crush on you..."

Jennie nodded.

"...I guess I wanted to see what it was like to kiss you." Rosé said and looked down at her taco plate.

Jennie swallowed, "And?"

"It was nice."

"Nice?" Jennie asked, somewhat disappointed, "Just...nice?"

"Yeah," Rosé said looking up, "It was nice."

"I would have thought you'd say amazing or phenomenal," Jennie teased, "But nice? That's not great for my self-esteem."

Rosé tried not to smile but couldn't stop herself. "Maybe more than nice."

"That's a little better," Jennie said.

"So, we're OK?" Rosé asked.

"We're fine," Jennie said with a smile.

"I don't want you to think I'm like those other girls at the club," Rosé said, "All those endless women you said were hitting on you."

"I may have exaggerated that a little."

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