Chapter 2

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Elsa's POV

I swiftly dodged some of the cars and parked my car in the parking lot reserved for me; which was quite surprising because I didn't expect that. I grabbed my bag and closed the car door before locking it. I ran up to the enormous building and stopped at the door where everyone was entering for work. I sorted myself out and went in.
I walked up to the reception but there wasn't anyone there. "Hello?" I asked no one in particular while leaning over the high-rised marble table. I took my phone out to check the time, 8:58am. Two more minutes. I put my phone back into my bag and tapped my fingers on the table.

Then suddenly a blonde ran towards me.
"May I he- Excuse me for a moment" she took a deep breath and reached over the table and grabbed a bottle of water and gulped the whole quantity down in one go. "Phew, that's better. I'm sorry. How may I help you Miss?" She asked after cooling herself down. "Erm, hi. I'm the new secretary for Mr. Frost?" I asked awkwardly. "OH! Oh yes. I was expecting you. I'm terribly sorry that I got here late but I had to do some errands for Mr. Rider. Shall I show you around?" She asked. "Yes, please. Thank you." I replied.

"Rapunzel Corona" she extended her arm. "Elsa Arendelle" I shook her hand. She smiled warmly at me before saying "All righty, let's go"


"And this is Merida DunBroch's office, she's the person that goes to meetings and records notes etc." I look through the glass to see a fiery redhead typing furiously on a laptop. Rapunzel went inside and I followed. "Mer? Are you alright? You'll break the laptop if you don't stop." The redhead stopped abruptly and looked at Rapunzel before looking at me. "Who's she?" She whispered while pointing at me. I took the opportunity to introduce myself, "Elsa Arendelle. Mr. Frost's new secretary." I said while shaking her hand. She looked surprised, "I am so sorry, I hope he goes soft on you." She said while looking at me concerned. What does that mean? Is Mr. Frost a horrible boss?

Rapunzel coughed out loudly while glaring at Merida. "You didn't tell her! Punzie what the fuck? She needs to know about him and his two twats!" Merida shouted while standing up. "I was going to tell her later!" Rapunzel shouted back. "Stop! Can you please tell me what's going on?" I shouted in frustration. They both stopped and looked at me sympathetically.

"Flynn Rider aka Mr. Player is one of Mr. Frost's best friends. He does one night stands and he pretty much holds the record for the biggest jerk I've ever met. He's rude, obnoxious and demanding." Rapunzel explained.

"Hiccup Haddock. He's nice when he wants to be. I think he's bipolar. He can be monstrous. He is in charge of accounting and is always beside Flynn and Mr. Frost. He's the dick that's making me rewrite the whole of last month's meeting which I have to complete by the end of the day. So that's why I was murdering my laptop." Merida said annoyed. "And Mr. Frost?" I asked.

They both looked at each other anxiously. "We don't know much about him as he's never spoken to us properly cos all we get is demands from him but his past secretaries told me that he's vicious and sly. He apparently expects the secretary to complete a month's work in 3 days." Rapunzel said and Merida continued. "His alluring face seduces many women in this industry but I think he's a dickhead in all honesty. He's fired more people than any other CEO."

Well I'm screwed. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, we all turned to face a brown haired man with a goatee. "M-Mr Rider, I've sent all the papers to you and Mr Haddock". "Good job, babe". So this is Flynn, wow he really is a dick. "Rapunzel, I need you to rearrange the meeting with Shang for next month and then schedule a meeting with Mr. Black, tommorow at 7:30pm". Rapunzel nodded. He turned to Merida. "Merida, you, Rapunzel and Mr. Frost's new secretary will also attend this meeting". He glanced at me questionably. "Who are you?"

"Elsa Arendelle, Mr. Frost's new secretary".

"Oh, well you if you don't get your ass over to him right now, you'll be his ex-secretary"

After his last word I said goodbye to Merida and Rapunzel and dashed off. When I entered the lift, I realised that I have no clue where his office is. I got out of the lift and looked around. "Excuse me, can you please tell me where Mr. Frost's office is?" I asked a woman who was about to pass me. She raised an eyebrow and scoffed, okay... "Top floor" she said and continued walking.

I got back into the lift and pressed the number 30; which was the highest floor. When it finally got to the top I ran out of the lift. There was only one room and it was at the end of the corridor. I admired the paintings on the wall and I go ally reached his door. 'Mr. Jackson Overland Frost, Head CEO' was carved into the wooden door. I knocked on the door and waited for permission.

Suddenly the door swung open and I stood facing a man who was very intimidating yet very handsome. His cobalt eyes stared intensely at mine.

"So, you're my new secretary."


So, they finally met! Lots of speech in this chapter and I apologise if it doesn't make any sense because I cannot write dialogue.

I will update on Saturday or on Friday if I'm feeling generous.

The first few chapters will be boring but prepare yourself for some plot twists and dilemmas.

Thanks for reading!

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