Chapter 5: The Second Prince

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"See you tomorrow your highness," you bid Heesung good bye this time.

He stares up at you after he finishes writing the last period on his notebook. He doesn't still know what to think about you yet so he just nods. The king comes into view and the both of you stood up to greet him.

"You two done? It's almost dinner time," Taehyung said while he adjusts his foot inside his shoes. His dark brown hair still perfectly combed back.

"We've just finished your majesty," Heesung answers.

"Let's get going then, she needs to eat too," Taehyung nods. They started to both exit the library and when they weren't in sight anymore, you slumped down into the chair, a long sigh left your mouth as you start to relax.

The sun is already setting, you heaved another sigh while you let your body settle on the plushed chair you're sitting on. You stay there for a good ten more minutes, after that, you stood up and starts walking to the kitchen. It wasn't far from the library so you took your time. You know it'll be fine since you're free from that dreadful mansion you've been imprisoned. A familiar blond head appears as you approach the doors of the kitchen. Sunoo waves at you as he runs and hooks his arm on your.

"How was your day?" He asks enthusiastically.

You smile instantly at him. "It was fun actually, even though I had to look for the young prince," you tell him as you proceed into the kitchen where Eli and the head chef waits for you two.

"I get to meet the royal I'm going to accompany for the mean time," he said. "He's a doctor and he's very very wise," he continues.

"That's great!" You said while you two sits down on the same table where yoy ate breakfast.

Eli nods at Sihyuk with smile. "I believe that's doctor Namjoon," she said.

"He's a very wise royal might I add. He's the King's cousin who vowed to serve the royal family," Sihyuk says as he distributes the small bowls that has rice in it.

"Yeah, he said his family owes their lives to the late king," Sunoo said.

"The late king was very generous when it comes to them. Especially Namjoon, since he was their cousin, the late king provided him with everything he needs, also to his family who was poor at that time," Eli added while you all start to eat.

What an amzing king, you thought to yourself. Even though Namjoon was considered a threat to his throne and the crowned prince at that time, he still helped him. You are indeed in the grace of a very loved royals. You continue to listen to their story as you all eat dinner. Halfway through it, you watch a plate being set down to where Heesung sat with you this morning for breakfast. You expect to see the young prince's face but was surprised to see another man's face.

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