Begining p2

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Henry shook his head and looked back up at the animatronic who stared down at him, awaiting an answer.
"H-home." Henry started out taking a step back, the animatronic leaned back.
"H-home? M-mi-Michael.. i-is...he-he.. still a-alive?" It rasped out, barely making any sense.
"Michael..?" Henry stopped for a second thinking about it, then it clicked. "William is that you?!" His jaw dropped. The animatronic laughed.
"Sp-spring...t-trap, m-my da-darling h-Henry."
"And I thought you couldn't get any scarier.." he mumbled.
"S-so.. an-answer my qu-question. Is-is my son, al-alive?"
"Yes, he sent me to fetch you."
Springtrap looked to the exit and back at Henry, holding out a hand, Henry grabbed it and started to walk to the exit, he felt even more uncomfortable than he was knowing William was alive in this thing. They both exited the building as the sun started to set, Henry shivered and spring trap looked up at the sky in amazement. Must've been years since he'd left that building, he looked around and started making his way to Henry's pickup truck, also dragging Henry with him. Springtrap tried to enter the passenger seat, only to realise he couldn't fit, he looked at Henry for help, who simply pointed to the back part of the truck, if he wanted to get home he'd have to carpool. Wondrous. Even being a dead furry he had some tastes in how to do things. He whined, which sounded like a record being scratched, Henry shook his head and pointed again getting into the driver's seat, the spring trap finally got into the back of the pickup truck, not exactly liking the cold. The building was normally warm, the coldness felt how the spring locks felt. It was horrible.

They drove for quite some time, spring trap barely staying most of the ride, soon they parked into a garage and Henry got out from the driver's seat walking over to spring trap, helping him out. The garage door opened and Henry turned his head towards it. A teenage girl walked in, with long brown hair and blueish grey eyes, she looked up at spring trap and all colour from her face drained out, the animatronic's face distorted into a grin.

"Dad what the fuck." Charlie spat out.
"Language young lady! And uh.. could you help?" He tilted his head back at the spring trap.
"Oh hell no." Charlie turned around sharply and entered the house, stalking up the stairs.
"Sigh, teenagers sometimes."
"Sh-she doesn't...l-like..m-me that much." Springtrap croaked walking over to the garage door, about to open it before Henry got into the way. He tilted his head.
"Oh your not going inside, you're staying in the garage."
"B-but.. h-Henry.. it-it's cold." Another whine.
"I know your puppy dog eyeing me and it's failing horribly."
Henry looked around the small space given to the spring trap, he got back into the car.
"I'll park this outside so you have more room.. to do whatever," Henry said, spring trap chirped. Henry parked the car outside and wandered inside only to find spring trap looking at all the machines and other things henry had built, he was admiring the work, it's been years... Henry walked behind him and put a hand on the animatronics shoulder, or we'll try to, more of putting it on the back of the animatronic. Springtrap chirped again, it was oddly cute but also terrifying, he was excited to see what his best friend had been up to, the adventures Henry went through without him, he got kinda sad at the idea...

"Welp," Henry began, spring trap looked towards him, "I'm gonna go to bed."
"G-good..n-night d-dar-ling." Springtrap smiled. Henry nodded and headed inside leaving the animatronic to do whatever he wanted.

Whooooo baby the end

Springtrap x Henry (ONESHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now