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I was awakened by the knock on the door. I rubbed my face tiredly, sighing.

"Good morning, sorry to wake you up. But we have found some information that we would like to share with you," the officer whose name was Jay spoke seating across me on the other side of the table.

I nodded.

"We found your hair sample in the house. We used it to run a DNA test and we found your biological family in the system," he states before pausing to see my reaction. When he saw my emotionless face, he continues to speak,

"But it was stated in the system, that you have passed on from a car accident. To ensure that you are really the same person, we have to do a blood DNA test with one of the family members," he informs me.

"What happens if I am the child or if I am not the child," I ask.

"If you are the child, we are to ask the family to take you in temporarily until you adoptive parents' wake up and make a decision. If you are not the child, we will continue looking for a relative" he answers.

"Alright, I agree to the blood DNA test" I tell him, he smiles at me softly, before calling someone on his phone.

Soon, the other officer, Ben, a nurse, and a tall man walked in. The man looks familiar, looking at him makes me get headache.

The nurse draws our blood into a tube, labels in and leaves the room.

"It will take around two to three hours for the results. We will see you both then" the officers left.

"I know you," I blurted out once we were alone in the room. He looks at me with multiple emotion flickering on his face.

"Alexie, is that your name?" I asked as I rub my forehead, hoping the pain will go away.

"How, no, yes, how?" he rambles.

"Is that your name or not?" I asked again annoyed with the ramble.

"My name is Alexander, but my sister calls me Alexie," he smiles at me.

I hummed.

"Alexie, I think I am going to black out soon" I smile at him before everything turns black.


William requested me to come over to our branch in the near by city. I have been in the meeting since 9am. This meeting is killing me with stupidity. I wonder where my brother found a bunch of clowns from.

They are here putting on a show thinking I will be fooled by them. Yet any dumb person will know that they all lie spewing out. I am playing with my phone making them think that I am not interested in the meeting. I am sending my brother a recording and also informing him that these bunch of staff can be relocated to our drama company as clowns.

Suddenly my phone starts to ring, making everyone to go silent.

I answer the phone as I walk out of the room.

"Yes Will," I greeted my brother,

"Two things. First, fire the clowns. Second, go the city police station to do a blood test. Apparently, our dead sister is not dead, and they want to prove it with a DNA test" he grumbled and hangs up right away.

I shake my head at the phone.

This brother of mine needs to learn some manners.

I asked my assistant to fire the two clowns before proceeding to me second task.

I make my way to the police station. Some officers took me to a meeting room where a teenager was seating. A nurse comes in to take our blood and they all left saying it will take a few hours till the results are out.

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