First Arguments 💔

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Whoo! My very first angst scenario ever! Let's see how I do. 😮‍💨

I've been procrastinating because I'm really not that good with writing sad things, like at all so this will be..more than a challenge.

Depending on how hard it is to make this chapter will determine when I'll make another angst scenario.

Anyways sorry for wasting your time, on with the angst!

How did your first argument go? How did it start? Why did it start in the first place? Were they at blame or vice versa? 🤔


Giyu Tomioka

Lately, Giyu has been ignoring you for no apparent reason. At first you thought he was just having a bad day and gave him space but when you tried to greet him the very next day, he didn't even look at you and walked right past you.

It saddened you to see Giyu ignore you like you weren't even there and it didn't take long before different thoughts and scenarios started running through your head.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"He loves me, right?"

"Did he find someone better than me?"

At first you brushed away those thoughts, thinking he just needed to be alone. But as each day passed, your thoughts started getting the best of you. So fed up, angry, and stressed, you decided to confront him.

"Hey, babe. Can I talk to you..?" You asked, walking in and sitting down next to Giyu. He didn't even spare you a glance and it felt like your heart was being ripped in two. Trying to stay hopeful though, you let out a shaky breath and look at him.

"Did something wrong?" Giyu still didn't look your way and let out a monotonous sigh instead.

"Could you just..leave me alone, Y/n."

You were shocked that he didn't call you by one of his usual endearments but soon, your shock turned into rage.

"Leave you alone? I've been leaving you alone for the past three weeks! Do you even care about me anymore?" You screamed. He continued to stay quiet causing your anger to finally reach it's peak.

"Well since you want to be so silent, you can be silent and single. I'm leaving!" You screamed, getting up and running out of his manor. Leaving a speechless Giyu behind. 

Obanai Iguro

Obanai has been hanging out with Mitsuri a lot lately. At first it didn't bother you but as the weeks passed, he started canceling dates and hangouts with you to meet up with her. It bothered you greatly but when you tried to talk to him about it, Obanai became defensive.

"Why can't your idiotic brain comprehend that she's just a friend?" Obanai asks, his tone coated in irritation.

"I know she's just friend but I just want to know why you're spending so much time with her. Why are you being so defensive about this?" You ask, trying to stay calm.

"Why are you being so intrusive?" He hisses. "You need to mind your own business."

"I was minding my business until you started blowing me off for Mitsuri!" You screamed.

There was silence after that. Neither you, nor Obanai said a word. That almost deafening silence lasted for a while but eventually, Obanai let out a frustrated huff and turned his back to you.

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