23. Rogue Killer

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Dawn broke by the time we left the caves.

Our trek to the cabin was burdened with thick silence as we navigated our way back.

I hadn't realised that we had taken most of the early morning hours talking to Alpha Bennett.

I wasn't sure how the others would react with the news Jude had.

"Halt. Someone is here." Jude paused mid step, studying the trees. I listened, hearing nothing but the whistle of the wind but I caught a faint tendril of their scent before they appeared in our path.

Three Rogues.

They weren't of the senseless variety either.

They were non amimum.

Or in other words, could not transform into their wolf, hence, lacking spirit.

"It's seriously too early for this shit." Kian sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stopped mid step, watching the intruders warily.

Jude eased up when he drew to the same conclusion that they posed no immediate threat. He must've noted that they carried no weapons either. "We're not looking for trouble." Jude warned the men.

They shared familiar features. Thick brows. Arrow straight noses. Pale blue eyes. Wide lips. They made no move to draw closer, but they held themselves tense, prepared to unfurl at the first hint of danger.

"Alpha Slater." The man on the right greeted. It seemed like they recognised him on first sight. Their gazes flickered to the thick metal wrapped around his forearms. They twisted, making a soft clanking noise as he moved his arms. Light reflected off the metal, where it cast shards of light in every direction the sun hit.

"We're not seeking trouble." The tallest man declared. "We caught a scent among you that has gained our attention."


"The woman." He responded. "Your scent carries a familiarity in it."

Me? My scent?

"I don't know you, do I?" I asked.

I had met countless people pre-Elite Syndicate Enforcer life, especially Rogues. One couldn't forget the face of a fellow Rogue, which was why I was baffled by his answer. I would've surely remembered these men.

"No, we have not met but your scent carries a familiar fragrance eerily familiar to the man we dub the Rogue Killer."

Although what he was saying made no sense, I caught the tension in Jude's jaw. It lasted less than a second, but it was enough for me to know that he knew who they were talking about.

"As you can see, there is no one here other than us." Jude supplied.

"We see that. We apologise for hindering your journey." They dipped their heads, preparing to retreat.

"Wait. Are there more of you here? I didn't think Rogues would come this far out, especially here up in the mountains." Jude said.

"There have been whispers of strange activity up here. We took it upon ourselves to check since someone mentioned scenting the Rogue Killer up here. It has caused some anxiety for some of the vulnerable Rogues who wish to not deal with the murderer of our kind. It makes us uneasy being up here. We can only wish he poses no danger to us. He hasn't come for us in years. We assumed he was dead."

"I see. Safe travels." Jude granted them, offered a slight dip of his head.

"Farewell Alpha Slater." They too copied the dip of his head before departing.

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