chapter 1

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This book happened after BBBM2, warning there's typo everywhere.

Boboiboy's eyes fluttered open, he felt cold winds made contact with his skin.  He looked around, wondering where he is and why is he there.  He quickly figured out he was at the medical tent on earth, his memories rushed in into his mind as he sat up.

He was here.. because he defeated Retak'ka was it? He remembered he sent that alien up to space, but he had no idea what happened next.  Perhaps he passed out, fighting Retak'ka is really is not a nice experience.

Boboiboy glanced at the side of his bed, there laid his watch, as if it has died, the watch didn't glow like when it was on Boboiboy's wrist.  The watch showed what time is it, it was midnight, enough making Boboiboy mumbled in annoyance why didn't he wake up at the morning instead.

Without the boy knowing, a pair of green (or whatever the random person's eye have) eyes were watching his moves.

The person raised their eyebrow, 'This is the one i was supposed to kill? But.. why? Can't believe i was saying this but.. i think he doesn't deserve to be killed.. oh well, job is job'

They sneaked out from the tent, this night, they were just spying on the boy, perhaps they would start their murder in a week or two.

He woke up at 7 with his body feeling sore as ever.  A sudden noise was heard, making him turned around to see who is the one who made the sound.  His brown eyes locked with a blue hologram eyes from his friend, Ochobot. The robot was holding a set of breakfast, sandwich and milk.

The robot's expression lit up, "Boboiboy! You're awake!"

"Hm, yep!" Boboiboy grinned, "Where's the others?" He questioned, drinking the milk from Ochobot.

"They were spending time with their family, it's been months they haven't seem their families anyways"

"Oh? Is Tok Aba here?!"

"Of course! Now eat your breakfast first!"

"Aye aye!"



Clear to say.. Boboiboy felt weird.  Of course, he spend times with his friends and Tok Aba, he deserves some break from TAPOPS.  But he can't help but feel as if someone was watching him, making him always tensed up everytime.

It wasn't a nice feeling, is there a person who is really watching him every move, every grin, and his every laughs?  Well that's creepy.

It's already been one week, he got one month break, so he doesn't really need to wake up at 6 like always, but he wake up early anyways.

Boboiboy's brown eyes catch a note on his side, along with Tok Aba's fried rice and a glass of water.

'Morning Boboiboy! Sorry i can't talk again this morning, commander needs help on teleportation and that's clearly my work! So today might be a little lonely, but don't worry! I'll be back in 4-5 days! Stay healthy!'

Boboiboy frowned, aw man.. he forget Ochobot didn't get a break because the robot didn't help defeating Retak'ka--

He sighed, grabbing the glass of water as his throat were empty and were begging him to give it some water.  He eyed the glass, was clear water always smell like this? It's a bit weird, something's feel off.. oh, maybe because Ochobot weren't there, yeah..

He drank half of it, smiling in relief.  but suddenly, he feel a headache, really bad headache.  Why is this happening so sudden? As if the world was spinning, Boboiboy noticed he couldn't breath, it was painful, what was happening?

. . .

. . .

. . .

Darkness, Boboiboy felt nothing after minutes of feeling pain.  All of them were gone now, making Boboiboy sighed in relief, but what was that? He never felt like that after he woke up, perhaps the medicine the doctor gave him had side effects? Well Boboiboy wouldn't never drink that medicine again.

Weirdly enough, Boboiboy felt emptiness, he couldn't hear anything, he didn't smell anything, even though Boboiboy's eyes were closed, he could noticed that around him were just darkness, sending shivers to his body.

Then Boboiboy see a light, and the next thing he knew he was in a room. the room was big and have a baby bouncer, he went silent and gather his thought. 'What is actually happening, i feel so weak, i cant even get up' boboiboy thought. after a while someone open the door bringing boboiboy back from his chain of thought.

The one who enter the room was a maid carrying a baby cover in blanket. The maid put the baby next to bo Boboiboy. 'Who is that, why he is put in the same place as me. By the look of it this is not a hospital. Where the hell am i' Boboiboy thoughts.

When the maid leave the room the baby wake up and start crying. 'Hey! Stop crying!' boboiboy scream inside, 'oh no what do you do when a baby is crying' boboiboy think deeply.
Because of reflex he try to pat the baby head with his hand, that is when he realized that his hand is so tiny and cubby like a baby hand. This leave him in a shock not caring about the baby crying.

Boboiboy, who was still struck by lightning of shock hadn't even noticed the crying baby had stopped whining. The baby, who was still unknown by Boboiboy, snuggled to him closer, seeking warmth, and that caused Boboiboy to be back to face the reality. 'Now that he is calm, it is not that bad. He must be scared to wake up alone, if it was me i would be nervous to be left in a huge room like this' boboiboy thought while smiling.

'Now that I think about it, this baby is like Thorn but had calmness in his eyes like Ice' Boboiboy thought while keep smiling.

Then boboiboy realize something what happened to his elements! 'How could i not realize this, what happened to them?!'

Boboiboy start screaming in his mind calling his elements name. After a while he hear a voice in his mind. 'Master we're here no need to scream, calm yourself!' the voice say. Boboiboy recognize the voice 'Quake? Is that you? how are you in my mind? Where is the other elements?' Boboiboy ask him

'I'm not sure how, but i believe we are transported to your mind when you go to this world, and don't worry the other elements is here as well' Quake answered, 'that's relief to hear, but what do we do now. I'm a baby, i feel very weak, And I cant talk either, and there's another baby clinging on to me!' boboiboy complain about his problem.

'This is what I thought master, you have been poisoned to death, but you have been reincarnated and now a new born baby, and that baby besides you appear to be your brother by blood because he also has just been born, and to answer why he is clinging on to you is because a baby usually look for something that is familiar with him usually mother and father but it also work the same with siblings, so you are now related to this baby. Congratulation' Solar explain and top it of with a congratulation.

Boboiboy, who's still processing what solar just said, fainted because of the news. But in the outsite it look like two baby sleeping while cuddling each other.

Author Note

Hello I'm back sorry for not updating for a long time, the truth is i was doing a collab with another author, the book will be realease soon ( I hope ). Anyways i hope you enjoy this first chapter and don't forget to leave a vote. See you on the next chapter 😊

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