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“ladies and gentlemen, welcome to vàgar faroe international airport. local time is tuesday, 5:23 a.m western european time.”

for your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the captain turns off the fasten seat belt sign. this will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about.

please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.”

jay woke up at the sound of a flight attendant making a speech, he opened his eyes and saw that the aeroplane had already landed. he stood up as one by one the people in the plane got out.

he was already outside the plane when he saw how breathtaking the view was. he inhaled the fresh and cold air then let out a sigh afterwards. it was freezing cold luckily he wore a coat that covered his body.

the young boy went and grabbed his leather bag from where you'd get it then went to get out of the airport to explore the island.

jay went to this small town, he explored every bit of it and ended up going to a calm looking diner. he opened the door to the diner the chimes making a clinging sound. the two people in the diner lit up at the customer that they have

“welcome to dandelion wish diner may we take your order?” one said, he had a cute smile on tho jay got startled when the boy talked. he sat on one of the metal stools.

“u-um hi, i'm not really familiar with this place since i just escaped from my abusive father from south korea, do you know any hotels?” jay was stuttering with his sentences, fear and sadness was visibile in his voice. the two people had their smiles disappeared after hearing the boy's voice.

“i'm sorry but in this town we really don't have any hotels, but you can stay with us afterall you were one of our first customers” the taller one said his voice as soothing as honey.

“o-oh thank you” jay gave them a small smile. “oh i forgot to introduce ourselves, my name is jake and here beside me is heeseung and we're from south korea too” the jake one said.

“we moved here after we became a couple to  restart our life” heeseung added with a smile. “o-oh that's sweet, my name is jay by the way” the latter said. the three shared more informations and soon enough they were all comfortable around each other. jay was yet to recover from all the traumas he had experienced for merely all of his life but he found the couple very heartwarming.

after their discussions, they all went inside the car with jake driving it. since jay will now be with them for probably his whole life now until he recovers, he will follow heeseung and jake's every whereabouts.

about a 3 minute ride, they reached their house. the three got out with jay being the last one as he was hesitating. they all went inside the house after unlocking the doors. it was just a simple house, a very relaxing one. the walls were painted brown, and all the furnitures and textures were all wooden-like with a tinge of vintage. they had two rooms that was painted grayish, the beds were made from wood with soft white mattresses and bed sheets. it also had a closet, a table and a window. it was just perfect.

“well, this is our house jay-ah. make yourself at home” heeseung smiled at jay and the latter reciprocated that smile, “thank you for the warm welcome hyung, would you mind if i'll cook for you since you both gave me a shelter?” jay's voice was quiet but loud enough for the two to hear.

they can't say no to an offer right? plus they were tired from work so they both nodded. jay proceeded to their kitchen whilst heeseung and jake went and flopped down the couch.

the sound of the stove being opened,  clinking of kitchen tools and the aroma of food surrounding the house, jake couldn't help but to make grumbling noise from his stomach. “dinner's ready” jay said and the two jolted to the kitchen to see the dining table with lots of food.

“i didn't know what you two liked so i just cooked japanese omurice and cheese quesadillas” jay said scratching his nape but for heeseung and jake, it was more than okay. they were so hungry they could eat a horse right now, so the three of them went to sit on the wooden chairs. praying first before eating.

they shared talks while eating the food, jay told them his whole story detail-oriented. heeseung and jake told him about their relationships and their struggles. like how heeseung's father didn't want jake anywhere around his son and jake did everything to convince his boyfriend's father.

the dinner went by fast, heeseung volunteered to wash the dishes as jake went to clean the kitchen. after those hours it was time for sleeping— and let's just say jay had nightmares and couldn't sleep at all.

on his pajamas, he grabbed his coat and he went outside the house not making any noise since the two was still sleeping. he closed the door and went to walk to the left, he sat by at the grassy shore near the waters. his breath was visible since it was even colder than it was in the daytime. jay looked above, there were so many stars. he could stare at it all day.

remembering everything that happened to him, he let out one single tear then wiped it afterwards. “you're here to change remember that” jay reminded himself.

tomorrow will be another day, he will be working with heeseung and jay as a chef. what could be something or someone new that will happen in his lifetime?

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