Chapter 14- Befriending Endymion success!

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Endymion should go and find Lisa to comfort him.

"Endymion you should head towards Lisa's house and stay there for a while.I don't live far from here as well so...If you need help from me as well don't hesitate to ask! I will protect you!"I said with a laugh.

Endymion smiles as well and nods.

His smile made me feel something warm in my heart.

"Thank you for your help strange girl.I will return the favour in the future.I will do as you say since it seems like a reasonable plan.You are smart.Nice. I feel like I found a lost friend after a long time."

Aw Endymion is surely better than male lead and more suitable for the female lead!

"You will be safe in Lisa's house since they have security.Her dad is the president so their family is in danger 24/7.You will be safe and secure there."

"Thank you again."Endymion said and I can see again passion in his eyes.

That is what you should do Endymion! Never lose your passion to earn what you desire.

I let go of his cheek.

"I should get going now.My family will be worried about me.We also have guests so...It will be rude to them as well! See ya later!"

I said and started to walk away.

A shouting made me stop.

"I forgot to ask! What is your name miss?You know my name so it would be unfair if you left like that!"

I turn around with a smile.

"My name is Rose!!"

He moved his lips and said my name quietly.

That was rather cute...

"Okay then Rose.I am sure that we will meet again!I will come to find you!"

I waved with a beam.


I am  outside my house again.

It is so dark and the sun has set.

I wonder if I am too late.

I hope that mom isn't mad at me for leaving for that long.

Was it that long to begin with?

I open the door quietly and went inside the house.

I went to the living room where everyone was sitting.

I see my mom and everyone discussing in a pleasing atmosphere.

"Mom,miss Suzanne! I am back!I hope I didn't make you wait too long!"I said and went back to my seat.

Mom and miss Suzanne smiled at me.

"No sweatie you only left for 15 minutes.It wasn't that long don't worry!"miss Suzanne said with a beam.

To be continued...

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