O6| Death

897 22 7

That fanart...
Art credit- @amkgkd on Twitter
TW: Violence/ Angst/ Slight descrpition on a dead body.

Also, there will be a lot of foreshadowing in this chapter for future dialogue.
And this chapter is very long the longest yet but it's also very important and we get so background on Megumi so.




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𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲- 𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐤i I 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮

You walked down the longer by-the-minute hallway that lead to your boss's office honestly not being able to form a single word only following behind him at a much slower pace

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You walked down the longer by-the-minute hallway that lead to your boss's office honestly not being able to form a single word only following behind him at a much slower pace. You always dreaded this hallway and sometimes didn't it was nice to see Nanami sometimes even tho he was intimidating. The women were staring at your back, you could practically fell all their eyes on you. Were you drunk? You thought. No, you weren't unless Evan drugged your coffee you should be fine so why did you feel so strange? Looking on the walls all the colors looked blurred in hues and Nanami was also out of reach.

The hallway seemed to be stretching and Nanami becoming further and further it was strange you never seemed to remember this hallway being so cold and hostile. The floor was morphing into the walls knocking off your balance. Having to grab onto the wall for support because your legs weren't enough. Having to stop for a second a catch your breath was almost too much almost deciding to walk away from your job but you couldn't even if you wanted to college meant too much you had too much to prove to make an impulsive decision like that on the spot.

Finally reaching his office and finding that specific door raping your fingers around the gold nob and twisting. But when you stepped through there was no floor.

Falling 30 feet no 20? 50? You had lost count.

The room you stood in was completely black and there still was no floor but it felt like you were walking on water, in fact, you looked down and you were floating on water but it wasn't you're reflection you saw your mom's? No, a younger version of your mom her eyes seemed a little more life in them but still dark and tried scared with so many things that no matter how hard you tried to understand you really couldn't. Even as a child and up to now.

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