New Beginings

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(Credits to the owner of the picture!)

(Me narrating :3)
After that day Katsuki's life took a 180. His body drastically changed from strong to weak. He went from 5'11 to 5'4. His long floppy ears and bushy tail also formed. His scent was the mixed smell of vanilla and mint. He lost his beautiful six pack and big arm and leg muscles. It was all replaced by soft, supple, smooth skin. His hands and feet grew smaller. His legs, arms, torso, face, hands, feet, and head all changed to be more feminine. His hips also widened. The thing about him that changed the most was his personality. He was now a soft Omega. Physically and mentally. He didn't like using his quirk just because it hurt his now uncalloused hands. He didn't become totally soft cause he could pop off at someone when he was mad or annoyed. He just didn't yell much anymore. He also became visibly nicer. Mitsuki tried her best to keep all of this a secret from the outside world. She was afraid of Katsuki getting hurt or taken. The pain killers helped little with all of the change. After 10 long months he was fully changed. Katsuki became like a house wife. He was very organized and liked things clean. He learned how to cook and do laundry. His mother stopped worrying and was grateful for all of the help. Soon enough though it was time for school to start. Katsuki had taken the entrance exam before he changed and was now in UA highschool. Mitsuki didn't want Katsuki going to UA knowing he could get hurt. But Katsuki persisted.

(Katsuki's POV)
I went downstairs carrying a load of laundry and put it into the washer. I put in the soap and started the washer up. I then went back upstairs to my room. I put on a t-shirt and a pair of my mother shorts. None of my clothes fit me anymore. I sighed and walked back down stair calling for my mother. "Mom!"

She came from the kitchen. "What is it hunny?"

"Can we go to the mall today? I need some new clothes." I asked. She sighed and nodded. "I guess so, but so you really wanna go to school? Even after all of this?"

"Mom, I still wanna be a hero. Just because I'm an Omega doesn't mean I can't be a hero." I went up to her putting my hands on her shoulders (I was about her hight). "I promise not to get hurt. I'll be cautious." "Ok then I'm trusting you." I smiled and she left to get ready to go to the mall.

~Time skip~

When they got to the mall they immediately went to get some clothes. They obviously got way more stuff then they needed. After hours of shopping they finally headed back home. When they got back Katsuki put all his new clothes away and continued doing the laundry.

(Katsuki's POV)
I was laying I'm my bed thinking about school. UA started in less then a week and I was no where ready to go. Why did I tell my mom I could do it? Can I really do it..? I sighed and rolled over trying to fall asleep. Maybe I could start training tomorrow? I rolled over again. Maybe not.

I woke up very early the next morning feeling like shit. My ears were knotted and I was still very tired. My muscles were aching from me turning over so much. I got up and practically stomped down the hallway, grumbling the whole way to the bathroom. I stepped in front of the mirror and tried my best to untangle my ears. After many solid attempts I gave up.


I walked to her bedroom and opened the door. My dad was the only one there. He was getting ready for work I assume."Good morning Katsuki! What's wrong?"

"Where's mom?" I asked while walking up to him.

"She saw we ran out of milk and went to go buy some." He said while struggling to tie his tie. I giggled. "Do you need some help?"

"Yes please." I helped him tie it. "Can you untangle my ears?" He helped me untie my ears. "Doesn't it hurt?" My ears flopped down onto my face and I stood them up. "A little bit." I went downstairs and out the back door. I took in the outside smell. If I was gonna be a hero I would have to brave it. I lifted my hands, palms up, all while looking at them. I activated my quirk. A few explosions came out then died down. Good. Seeing I hadn't used it in a while. But my hands. Gosh they felt like they were on fire! Tears formed in my eyes as I ran inside. I went to the kitchen and put my hands under the cold running water. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see my mom.

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