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Nietzche once said, "Man is as a rope stretched between the animal and superhuman, A rope over an abyss. It is a dangerous crossing, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling, and halting."

Vanya blew the whistle as all of us started running up the stairs, Luther at first as he used all his strength to pull himself up, Diego trying to keep up with him,

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Vanya blew the whistle as all of us started running up the stairs, Luther at first as he used all his strength to pull himself up, Diego trying to keep up with him,

As much as you must strive for individual greatness, and strive you must for it won't come to you of its own accord... you must also remember that there is no individual stronger than collective.

And with that Y/n saw five getting ready for a jump so she touched him and held Ben's hand and jumped with him,

"That's not fair, they're cheating" Deigo complained as he had crossed Luther,

"They adapted"

The ties that bind you together make you stronger than you are alone,

Allison and Klaus cried as they hugged each other while Y/n who's face had no sign of tears could only focus on the other boys and their terrified faces, they all were scared of needles except her,

 she looked down at the umbrella which was engraved on her wrist and sighed and put her hands behind her head,  that's when she saw Vanya draw something on her arm she realized what it was and gave her a smile when their eyes met, Vanya returned it,

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she looked down at the umbrella which was engraved on her wrist and sighed and put her hands behind her head, that's when she saw Vanya draw something on her arm she realized what it was and gave her a smile when their eyes met, Vanya returned it,

They will make you impervious to the pain and hardship the world will thrust upon you and believe me when I tell you, life will be hard, it will be painful,

"Y/n walk with me"

"Yes father"

We can accomplish anything when we accept responsibility together. This is what creates trust.

Sir Reginal gave his children one sweet look as they slept peacefully as he would gently place a transmitter on their forehead to read their brain activities at night and write them down in his diary,

Together you will stand against the reign of evil.

The beeping intensified when he landed on number seven and number eight who probably felt the same thing as they were so close to each other.

FUN FACT: Vanya taught y/n how to play the violin.

FUN FACT: Vanya taught y/n how to play the violin

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