Human monokuma x non binary! Reader

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Y/n POV:
I was walking around hopes peak academy think about why I was in this killing game, I saw makoto "hey naegi" i wave at him "oh hello y/n!" He smiled "why are you so happy about this?..." he look confused "we lost four of are friends and you still have hope?" I look at him with a little anger "well I don't wanna lose hope are friends are in a better place now" i sighed and nodded a little* "I guess your right..." I left and went to my room and saw a human monokuma "hey monokuma.." I sat on my bed "hey girl/boy-" he said "oi! I use they/them..." I said and pouted "oh sorry how about person or scum?" He said "hmmmm scum" "alright let me just" he went out and he know "come in" I said he came in sat on the floor "hey scum" he said "hi bitch" he chuckled a little and hugged me

Yes I know it's short and hi!! I'm back and I hope you enjoy

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