Chapter 20 '{Approval?}'

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A.N. hello everyone here is a chapter that you guys probably wanted for a while, but I don't know, it will take a while to make another, but I'll try my best 😬😖, yay! More work for me, and because I have School these days, and I have a lot to do, so please be patient.

Harry's POV

I then saw Tom smirk at that, and then started telling everyone their plans for the week, soon after that the meeting was over, but before I left I heard Tom say he will send the letters by a spell that he found in the Black library, after that me, Sirius, Remus, and the twins left and went to get some ice cream at Fortescue's, we then got to know each other more because we've only just got to talk for a bit, after that we just went anywhere we could go, shops, the forest near here, etc, then they apparated us back to Hogwarts, and then said goodbye to me and the twins, and apparated away, not before promising to write letters, after that we then sneaked back into the castle, but before separating the twins then turned to me and said.

"See you soon-"

"Harrikins, and-"

"Goodnight" they said together

I bid them goodnight also, and then they kisses me again in the cheeks, I felt the blush creep onto my face, so I quickly turned away before they could see it, after that we went our separate ways, though they promised they would visit time to time, After reaching the dorms, I went to my bed quickly slept the night away, also reminding myself to put a mandrake leaf in my mouth, and brew the potions for becoming a Animagus.

Timeskip to a month later
(Hogsmeade weekend)

It's been a month since I've put the mandrake leaf in my mouth, though I lost my taste buds for now, it will be worth it,'okay, today's the day I'll see my Animagus forms, and I'll also get the diadem to give to Mortim.' I then went to the RoR and imagined a field, with a river not to far from there, after finding a suitable place I then drink the potion, and I felt pain as my bones break and rearrange themselves, I felt myself shrink until I stopped, the world looked much bigger now, I hoped that I wasn't a bug or something like that, though it could be useful, anyways after a while the pain stopped, I imagined a mirror standing Infront of me, and then the mirror appeared, I looked at myself and saw that I was a.... cat?

I was a black cat with fluffy fur, that kinda looks like my hair, but less messy, and my bright green, with black slits, I then walk around to get used to it.

I was a black cat with fluffy fur, that kinda looks like my hair, but less messy, and my bright green, with black slits, I then walk around to get used to it

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After walking for a while, I decided to drink another potion, since I could have multiple Animagus's, I could have at most three.

After drinking the last two potions, I now have three Animagus forms, a black cat, a green snake, and a phoenix

After drinking the last two potions, I now have three Animagus forms, a black cat, a green snake, and a phoenix

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(Those are the forms he can take

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(Those are the forms he can take.)

I had also figure out that I can change the size of the forms I take, which is very convenient, anyways after that I wished for the room where I can find the diadem, after finding it in a pile in the corner, I then called mortem and gave him the diadem, After that I disillusioned myself, and went back to the dorms, and before I went to sleep, I sent Tom a letter telling him that all the Horcruxes are merged with him now, of course I used the name 'Azrael' also telling him that I found it when I was visiting my 'Relative' I found some clues on what it was, or who it was, anyways I told him it was a person call, Jàmison Harris, close enough to my name, but not really that close, just some noticable details, but that all and then I quickly went to sleep.

At Tom's when he received the letter.

Tom's POV

I was with the twins, Sirius, and Remus, I've helping them try to remember what the other Horcrux was, but all they were doing is reminiscing their past with.. Harry, after a while a letter had appeared Infront of me again, I gave it a questioning look, before checking to see if there was any spells, or charms on it, which came out negative, I grabbed the letter opening it, making sure that the twins can read it also, this is what it say:

Dear Tom

Hello Tom, I'm terribly sorry that I missed the meeting, but good news,
While I was here I found some clues about the Horcrux you made, so I tried to track where it could be, after a few hours I finally found it, it was a person called Jàmison Harris, he visited Godrics Hollow the day you killed the Potter couple, and tried to stop you, unfortunately when he did you had killed them already, and they soon became a sacrifice and turned him into a Horcrux, after that he was found living in the forest with the people that had found him unconscious, he doesn't remember anything from that night, so that's why you couldn't remember him, anyways that's all I found out, anyways I'll see you soon, please remember to tell me when the next meeting is.

P.S. all the Horcruxes are now merged with you, you now have a full soul like everyone.

With Love,



That was unexpected, of all the things that could of happened it was this, well not like it matters it is already done, everyone else was shocked on what is said, but they were also confused, they had thought that I was already with the twins, which I am, but was considering adding another person in the relationship, maybe two

"You're all probably confused right?" I said staring at them

They then nodded so i said, "... I am still in love with you guys if you are wondering" I paused, before making sure they know it was directed to the twins,"I... Was just considering adding another to the Relationship, but if you guys don't want that, it's fine." I said while facing down.


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