13. Someone's memory. (1/2)

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I was in a place where I have never been before. In front of me, sat a tall and mascular man. He seemed to be 6'3. He had long spiky black to red hair, maroon eyes and a katana on his belt. He wore a maroon colored kimono with an orange colored shirt inside. But one thing caught my eye, he had a big red mark in his forehead. It exactly looked like the mark that I have. I was born with this mark and it seemed like he also shared the same fate with me. He also wore a pair of Hanafuda earrings. It exactly looked like the one I was wearing.

Then, he spoke, ''Sumiyoshi, those who master their trade all arive at the same place

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Then, he spoke, ''Sumiyoshi, those who master their trade all arive at the same place. Even if the times change or the way to that place changes, they are certain to reach the same place. You seem to think I m special, but I m not." He took a breath and then continued, "I cannot protect anything that's important to me and I was unable to accomplish even one thing that I should have in this life......I m a man without value." Then, he left and everything went black.

REAL WORLD (3rd person's POV)

Satoshi can be seen on a bed with tears rolling down from his closed eyes. Then, he slowly opened his eyes and soon after that, 'KRANKK' a loud noise of someone dropping a plate could be heard. He slowly turned his head towards the sound and he saw his mother standing on the doorway with hands covering her mouth while tears rolled down her cheeks.

Satoshi's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me. I was in a room which I seemed to recognize but I was not able to make it out since my visions were blurry. Then, I caught a very very familiar scent but I was not able to tell who's scent that was. Suddenly, I heard the noise of someone dropping a plate from my left. I slowly turned my head towards the source of the noise and what I saw brought a smile on my face while tears kept on rolling down my cheeks. I saw my mother standing on the doorway with her hands covering her own mouth while tears rolled down her cheeks.

She then made her way towards me, took my hands on her forehead and started crying. She looked at me and I gave her an apologetic smile because I knew the reason why she cried was because I probably didn't wake up for a long time. My guess was confirmed when she spoke, "I was so afraid that you would not wake up. I was informed that you passed out after your fight. And you did not wake up for 3 whole weeks after that. I was so scared. I worried a lot with the thought that when I wake up, I would find you dead. But now, I m glad that you are awake." I smiled at her and I replied, "I m sorry for worrying you." She gave me a smile as father entered the room with Tanjiro on his arms and Nezuko on his back. He then spoke with a smile, "Son, you are finally awake. I was worried about you. Next time when you fight, don't be reckless, ok?" I replied, "I m sorry for worrying you too, father and yes, I wouldn't be too reckless next time."
He then told me to rest and as he was about the leave the room, I asked, "Father, after I wake up, can we please have a talk?" He smiled and nodded as he left the room. After that, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Satoshi's Dream

I saw the same man with hanafuda earrings again sitting on my right. He took a deep breath and spoke, "I wanted someone to listen to me. After thinking for a while, what came to mind was your and Suyako's faces." Then, I spoke but the weird thing about this was, my body was speaking and doing things on its on. I was not able to control my body and speech. Then, I came up with a theory that this thing which I was experiencing was someone else's memory. I thought maybe it was the memory of my ancestors and I was witnessing them from their point of view.
I(my ancestor)replied to him, "It's been two years, I m glad you are doing okay, Yoriichi - San." I then continued, "Back then Sumire was just a baby. Now she's a lot bigger." He(Yoriichi - San)
replied,"I m happy to see you all happy.
When I see happy humans, I m happy as well." He then looked up at the sky and continued, "This world............is beautiful in every single way. I believe being born into this world is a blessing in itself. My mother was a very religious woman. She prayed for strife to disappear from this world every single day. She also prayed for the sun God to shine warmly on my seemingly deaf ears. She even made these earrings which I am wearing as charms. I couldn't really speak at that time, so everybody thought I was deaf. And because of that, I caused her great worry, and I felt very bad about that."
I listened to him very attentively because something was telling me that this man was special. He was not ordinary.

He continued, "My brother was a very nice boy. He was always worried about me. Even the day my father hit him and told him to forget about me, he made a flute and gave it to me. Then he smiled with his bruised face and said, 'That's why you don't need to worry about anything. Blow this if you need any help, Nii-san will come and save you right away.'

"I was an unwanted child, so after my mother died from illness, I immediately left the house. They told me to enter the priesthood, but in the end, I never went to the temple. I wanted to run as much as I could and see how far the beautiful sky reached. But even though I ran for an entire night and day, my feet never felt tired or wanted to stop. By the time I realized it, I had arrived at a place full of compact fields and paddies in the mountain. And someone was standing there all alone. It was a girl around my age. She was holding a bucket and she didn't move for a very long time. Eventually I asked her what she was doing. She replied, 'My entire family died from a widespread disease. I m lonely since I lost everyone. So I wanted to bring some tadpoles from the paddies back home.' After saying that, the girl didn't move. But as the sun began to set, she released all the tadpoles in her bucket back to the paddy. I asked her if she was not going to bring the tadpoles home to which she replied that she would not, and she further continued, 'I feel bad about separating these kids from their parents and siblings.' After hearing this, I asked, 'Then how about I go home with you?' she looked at me, her eyes were like obsidian.
The girl's name was Uta. And that's how Uta and I started living together.

To be continued...........
Author's words

I just wanted to clear some things. Satoshi was born with a demon slayer mark just like Yoriichi Tsugikuni. The mark is exactly the same as Yoriichi.

And at this chapter, Satoshi is at his house. After he blacked out after fighting L1. He along with Giyu and Tengen were found by the kakushies. The three stayed in a wisteria family house. After a day of rest, Giyu and Tengen both woke up. They got their separate missions and because of that, they left while Satoshi was still unconscious. He stayed in the wisteria family house for 1 whole week, yet he didn't wake up. His crow then informed his parents about this and that's when they decided that they would keep Satoshi with them until he woke up. He finally woke up after 2 more weeks.

1396 words.

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