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After Loki's Roxxcart betrayal, Mobius found him within an inch of his life and decided he wasn't going to give up on him now.


Pairing: Loki/Mobius M. Mobius

Trigger warning for blood and injuries


Maybe you shouldn't have done that, was what the voices said. Betraying Mobius. What did you think would happen?

A lot. Loki chuckled, it forced more blood out of his mouth; he was thankful and somewhat surprised he hadn't choked on it yet. Though this wasn't one of them; what he thought would happen, that Loki had to admit. He... misjudged the situation. But again, he shouldn't have expected any less from a Loki.

Should've seen it coming. You fool. Maybe the voices was right. Another urge to chuckle rippled through his chest, and this time he did choke on his own blood, hardly spitting them out in time before he'd drown. The floor beneath his head, where he lied gracelessly on his side, soaked in sticky crimson liquid as more blood dripped down his chin. There was a pool of the same type of liquid gathering around beneath his midsection, where she — the Loki variant — drove her dagger deep in his stomach, twisting the blade just to make sure he'd eventually bleed to death.

A dagger. How ironic. But again, she was a Loki. What else did he expect, really?

His vision kept getting blurrier, his eyelids only grew heavier as seconds passed. Loki wondered, how long he could hold on before unconsciousness took over, before death claimed him for good.

He didn't know where he was, but he could tell it was a field of sorts. Muddy grass being what he lied on, after the Tempad took them both here, before she decided to be the first to betray and stab, leave him here to die as she took off with said Tempad, and Loki, stupidly, didn't see it coming before it was too late. What a way to go down, he thought; a Loki killed by another Loki.

Loki, wait. Loki!

On the verge of drifting off, Mobius's voice echoed in his head, much to his own dismay. Loki hated that he felt bad — guilty, even — by the look on Mobius's face, by the way Mobius ran to him, trying to reach him even though, surely, Mobius must've known he couldn't have reached him in time, if Loki decided to follow his variant through the time door, and he did.

Then he wondered, after he died and Mobius never heard from him again, what Mobius would think; that Loki had betrayed him (because, frankly speaking, he kind of did) and left behind what they had. What they had... Loki wasn't sure what that was, friendship? Something more? He couldn't tell, and, he supposed, neither could Mobius. And they'd never be able to tell. Because Loki would be dead and Mobius would keep on wondering what happened. The last Mobius ever saw of him, the last they ever saw of each other, was that look in their eyes before Loki decided to walk out that door and leave Mobius behind.

It's okay, Mobius. You can trust me, his own words never sounded so loud in his head. Perhaps Mobius hated him now. Perhaps this was simply what he did; he pushed away people who loved and cared about him. And perhaps this was his comeuppance, to die alone.

He was dying and his last thought... was of Mobius. Loki smiled, softly, faintly, because he was fading away fast, and, if he were to be honest with himself for once, thinking about Mobius made it feel... less lonely. Warm. The thoughts of Mobius kept him warm.

Loki thought of Mobius's smile, when it was just the two of them working together in the archives, when Loki could let his guard down and sleep while in Mobius's presence, made dying alone feel less lonely.

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