ten - christmas

163 11 27

an: this chapter was irritating me but not because it's not good just because it's not long but whatever enjoy and leave some comments i love reading them

It's a little too calm in the dressing room for Lauren.

She's not sure why, normally she embraces the few moments of calm, but her suspicions are confirmed when coincidentally, it's just her, Ally, and Normani in the room. She knows from experience that that's never anything good.

The door bursts open a minute later and Dinah and Camila come through, both dressed in their outfits for their set tonight, and Dinah's holding her speaker.


Lauren rolls her eyes, "Oh god."

"We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas! We wish you a Merry Christmas..."

"And a happy new year," Normani finishes for them, earning glares to Lauren and Ally from the other two.

"You have to join," Dinah says, and Camila pouts.

"Yeah, it's Christmas, you grinches," she agrees.

"I don't have to do shit," Lauren retorts, and Dinah rolls her eyes.

She switches We Wish You a Merry Christmas to some other instrumental before singing, "Jingle bells, Lauren smells, you all are really lame. Oh what fun, it is to die, in a gross dressing room, hey! Jingle bells, Mila's cool, she likes all my songs, you all suck and are gonna die in the muck, and that is not my problem, hey!"

"Wow, D, you should be a songwriter," Lauren comments, and Dinah just sticks her tongue out at her.

"Mila likes my songs."

"Does she, though?" Normani retorts and Dinah just rolls her eyes, sits on the couch, and grumbles something to herself incoherently.

Normani snorts and leans against Dinah, going on to talk about something with Ally that Lauren tunes out.

Her focus is more on Camila, who's stood across the room talking to their makeup artist about something that Lauren can't hear over the other commotion of the room. Lauren knows, though, from Camila's expressions, that it's nothing bad and the way she seems to laugh with her whole body makes Lauren's heart warm.

Dinah crosses the room and sits down on the floor next to her, whispering, "I know y'all are fucking, but can you keep it to yourselves?"

Lauren's face goes red, "Shut up."

"Absolutely not!" Dinah retorts, "You shit on my song, I shit on your inability to commit."

"I do not think those things are equal," Lauren responds, turning off her phone and putting it down on her lap.

"They might as well be," Dinah says matter-of-factly, her voice still quiet, "C'mon, you're not gonna tell me anything? When we were at the studio last week I literally caught you fucking in the bathroom. That's nasty."

(Lauren can't decide if that was funny or traumatizing, she's sure that she'll find it funny in the future, but Dinah catching her knuckle-deep in Camila isn't something she exactly is proud of.)

"We didn't intend for anything to happen," Lauren replies quietly, fiddling with her ring, not wanting to point out that Camila recently took off hers.

She remembers the conversation vividly, Camila handing her her copy of the ring and saying she doesn't need it anymore. When Lauren asked, Camila just explained that she heard something that was going to put a time constraint on their relationship and she didn't want to wait until the last second.

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