Chapter Six

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The next day I woke up later then I anticipated. 11:30 was late for me on a weekend. Almost immediately I got calls from Ashton and Christina. Apparently Ashton’s parents were out of town for the weekend. 

Now, I sat at Ashton’s house watching drunken people walk by me. It was only 9 at night and they were already shit faced. I only had a few alcohol beverages that I was basically forced to drink by Christina. She claimed they were her favorite, however I thought they tasted like cough syrup that burned your throat. Earlier today my mom and Harry left to run some errands which meant I had the house to myself, thank God.

Next to me, Ashton rambled on about some girl he met earlier tonight. I felt out of place here. I was too awkward for situations like these. 

“I even got her number!” Ashton cheered in his drunken state.

“Dude, she was probably drunk. She’ll regret it in the morning.” Niall retorted back in a joking manner.

“Whatever man.” Ashton rolled his eyes.

On the other side of me, Chrissy sat with some guy I had never seen before. I knew teenagers were expected to go out, get drunk, and make stupid decisions, but this wasn’t my kind of scene. I had never liked parties. They usually consisted of Ash and Chrissy trying to force alcohol down my throat for the first hour, then they would get drunk and leave me, and lastly I would call my mom to pick me up.

When 12 a-clock rolled around and I had multiple texts from my mom asking where I was, I decided it was time to leave. 

Mary, 12:02 am: I’m at Ash’s. Can you come pick me up?

Mom, 12:03 am: Sweetie, I texted you that I was already in bed 20 minutes ago. Call Harry.

Mary, 12:03 am: Why do I have to call Harry? Isn’t he with you??

I was trying to come up with different ways to get out of this situation. 

Mom, 12:04 am: He was out with some friends he met from work. Just call him, Mary.

I had an inner debate with myself about whether or not I should call him. If he was out with his friends this late he was probably drinking or something. I didn’t want to annoy him by interrupting his free time. I knew he worked hard because whenever I was at school, he was at work until 6 at night. I cursed under my breath as I stood on Ashton’s porch. I had no other way to get home other then walking and that would take me over an hour. 

I made an impulse decision to call him as I dialed his number. I wasn’t ready when he answered on the first ring, causing myself to be flustered into quickly thinking of what to say.

“Mary? What’s wrong? Why are you calling so late?” he asked in concern. 

“Um I have a favor to ask.” I said hesitantly. 

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