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3 days later 


The Twins were awaking up and Aro was happy about that he wanted to see their power. Once they woke up their new born red eyes glowing and their faces showing pain.

" Eat" Aro said toughing  a  girl around 20 at them and they did. 

In a different room Marcus look down at lady she has grow over the last few days from the size of a 5 year old on all fours to around the size of a 14 year old but besides that the process was the same as a human vampire. He was about to leave when he heard her move he looked to see bright red eyes looking back at him he through's a boy in his late 20's at her and she eats well sucks like a vampire. 

" LADY" A girls voice goes though the silence of the castle. The wolf runs knocking over everything not tie down and into the walls it almost made Marcus laugh at her. He followed at a slower speed to find her kissing's the twins knocking them to their butt's. 

" You grew Girl" Alec said more to himself then anyone. 3

" We believe it is the vampire venom and the fact that she is the first animal to be change it is hard to know what will happen" Aro said.

Over time Lady began to be know was the guard dog of the kings because while she loved and acted like a mom to the twins the kings mostly Marcus was her Master's.

The Day Bella came to Italy 

Lady POV

I was Sitting by Alec waiting for Jane to come back when me heard. "Good afternoon, Jane," from the Lady at the desk. 

"Gianna." Jane said and my tail began to wag know she was close. Then she walk in and I my bum was moving with my tail but Aro had told me to stay. 

"Jane" Alec began to walk forwards and reached for Jane and that is when I began to whine.

"Alec," she said back and they started to hug Alec. They kissed each other's cheeks on both sides, know my front feet were moving up and down but my bum never left the floor

"They send you out for one and you come back with two and a half," Alec said then look at the human girl. "Nice work." Jane Laugh at his comment. "Welcome back, Edward," Alec greeted the other vampire. "You seem in a better mood."

"Marginally," The new vampire said in a flat voice. Know I was laying down the and whining. 

"And this is the cause of all the trouble?" Alec asked. The new only smiled. Then he froze.

"Dibs," Felix said from behind.

The new vampire turned, a low snarl building deep in his chest and I growled back my hackles raised, Felix smiled. A small girl vampire came up to the new vampire and told him to be Patience. 

" Ok girl you can get up but be a Lady no making a mess" Aro said from the other room and I leaped up and went to Jane and push my head into her chest for a hug then turn around and when to the new vampire and began to smell them both of them froze more and didn't move if the is possible.

"Aro will be so pleased to see you again," Alec said.

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