Chapter 131

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A/n: yee haw lets go


all the normal stuff lolz


•self harm implications

•A boring recap of some sht that's happened because filler

"I beat therapy."

"...what?" Emile asked carefully over the call with Virgil. He was a little bit concerned, as Virgil was smirking, but somehow also looked absolutely petrified.

"Kiddo, what happened?" Patton asked carefully.

———————le flashback—————-

It was Virgil's first meeting with his therapist for a long while. Between the whole being kidnapped thing with his mom thing, his dad going to jail, and the town being shut down to catch the people who escaped prison...he'd been a bit too busy to bother going.

He was doing it online over a FaceTime sort of app so that they could see each other even though they were a while away from each other.

He mostly hid everything from his therapist, not exactly comfortable talking about his trauma without, you know, joking about it. But his mother told him that she couldn't help him if he didn't tell her what was going on, though if he truly wasn't comfortable, they could always find him a different one.

Virgil felt like he should unpack his trauma, so when he got on with the therapist, it was awkward as usual for the first couple of minutes, before they got into the deep stuff, "it all started when I was really young..I don't think I even remember if anything bad was done to me before the age of four, and I have vague, terrible memories of my young childhood years..."

His therapist listened intently as he explained some things, asking the standard , 'oh? And what was your father like? What was home life like?' Kind of questions, which lead to some uncomfortable conversations and near crying.

"When my mom told me my sister, Emily was in her stomach it was the happiest day of my life. My mom had two miscarriages before her. Well, my dad called them miscarriages...he'd just beat her until the babies died..he did it a couple times after that too..."

"Oh, so you have a sister? What's she like?" She asked, writing some things down that he'd come back to in later sessions, wanting to focus on the positive for the time being.

He smiled, "I had one..and she was perfect..." he whispered, "she died when she was almost five...maybe she was five..time goes by so fast.."

"Oh-i'm so sorry, what happened?" His therapist asked, "if you're comfortable with sharing.."

Virgil took a deep breath and explained everything he could, everything he knew about the situation.

How his father bleached Emily's eyes out when she was a child so that she'd live in suffering.

How his father would sneak behind Emily and beat her for no reason just to scare her.

How he'd make loud houses, and make her constantly feel so unsafe in her own home.

He talked about Roman, Ram, Kurt, his father, the whole thing. He explained it all in twenty minutes, and then proceeded to talk about how Roman and Ram and Kurt kinda fell away from Andrew, but then helped kidnap him and his mom.

He told her about how they targeted people they were close with to hurt him and his mother.

Their session went on way longer than it was supposed to, and they talked for so, so long.

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