The Talk With The Anemo God

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" Friends... with an Archon?"

" What's wrong Boboiboy?? Don't you feel you're special because you are a friend of an Anemo God?"

" Venti, aren't Aether and Paimon your friend as well?"

" Hmm~~ They are only my normal friend, but you're my best friend!"

" I don't know. It's fine I guess?"

" Come on~~ Let's have a drink!"


" Did you need anything from me, Venti? Why did you suddenly kidnap me while I'm walking at the Wolvendom?"

  " The question is why are you walking in the middle of the night while the others are sleeping? Isn't it dangerous??"

  " I can protect myself. You know my ability,"

  " Hahaha!! I know, I know,"

   " Venti, why did you kidnap me?"

   " I just want to have a chat with you. You aware that the Fatui has an eye on you,"

   " I know that. With my ability, I could just get all the Archon Gnosis easily,"

   " Listen, Boboiboy. You need to be careful. The Cryo Archon would love you in her grasp,"

   " Just what so special about her? Is she the strongest?"

   " No, the strongest so far is Morax. Huh, how long did I last meet him,"


   " You should know about him in the sacred book you have there,"

  " Right, I still don't know who is that old lady is, and why she gave me this,"

   " All I can say is you have to meet the Adepti at Liyue. They might know something,"

  " Do you have any drink other than wine?"

   " Nope! Try one it's nice!"

   " I refused, stop it,"

   " So you're next nation is Liyue, right? Send my hello to Morax!"

   "Who is Morax?"

   " Shush,"

   " Can you at least send me back to them?"

   " Sure, sure. Let's go,"

   "Hey Boboiboy. Are you gay???"

   " What the heck—,"

Y'know, Boboiboy Genshin Harem wasn't so bad...


Edit: If do a Boboiboy Harem...

Genshin Impact male guy have to be gay

Because Boboiboy is a muslim and I don't want to ruin it.

Yall vote wheteher I should do a Boboiboy Genshin Harem in this book

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