㉑ Lives in our area

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It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do.

(Y/n) Stark

   I'm ready to kill some mother fuckers.

   First things first, I need to get close to Steve Rogers.

   "What's your plan?" Peter asks me, we are all alone in the deepest corner of the university's library.


   "What?" He can't believe what he heard.

   "Not Steve Rogers, but this guy." I show a picture of a guy standing behind Steve Rogers from my phone. "This is James Buchanan Barnes, he's one of the agents in FBI. Rogers is too high ranked, his information is confidential. I gotta get through him."

   "Seduce him what are you talking about?!"

   I look at Peter with a glare that silences him. "What? Why'd you raise your voice at me?"

   "...I didn't mean to. I just don't think it's going to work."

   "You think I can't seduce?" I push Peter against the bookshelves, whispering into his ear and smirks.

   Peter looks back with trembling lips, but he's moving it closer to mine.

   "I'm not just going to bait him with my touch. I've got a plan." I push him back before his lips touch mine and cross my arms. "We'll need to create a serial killer, I happen to know who Loki has been killing, we'll create pieces of evidence and makes it look like Loki Odinson is still alive and actively killing people."

   "And you're sure you'd get to meet this Barnes guy?"

   "We're killing his ex-girlfriend, she lives in our area. Her sister died because she ate food with peanuts and for some unknown reason her EpiPen is gone. The police and Barnes himself think she's a suspect but they can't find proof, they broke up because of it. He'll be there."

   "I'm still not so okay with you flirting your way inside."

   "What's that smell in the air, jealousy?" I joke.

   "Obviously." He says. It seems Peter is tougher and more straightforward nowadays, he doesn't look so scared of me anymore. I don't like it, but I appreciate it if that makes sense.

   "It's not real. My heart is my own, I choose who it would belong to. And if you trust me as you said, you shouldn't think too much about it."

   He bites his lips, but he can't say anything. Because I haven't admitted who my heart would belong to yet. Honestly, I don't even know if I can love someone at all.

   "Peter, I need your help with this. I could count on you right?"

   "Sure." He says frustratedly.

   "Okay, then shall we get to work?"

   Peter nods, and I smile.

LUNATIC Ⅱ : Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now