Hogsmeade 2.0

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The two of them left the hogshead, walking down the path as Hari looked in at the windows of the stores. She suddenly stopped at the pet store, #) I need to get some protein tonics for Duck, I'm almost out. (#

"Can't you just make them?" Fred asked as she dragged him into the shop, "Aren't they really easy potions?"

#) But they're so boring to make. (# Hari complained, grabbing a box of them off the shelf, as well as some owl treats.

She walked to the counter, putting them down and paying for them as Fred trailed behind her, then left the shop.

Hari was happy that nothing terrible had happened today, she was so exhausted and stressed that she felt she was dangling off the end of a cliff wth one strand left on her rope.

She sighed contently, glad to be spending a relaxing day with Fred, free from chaos.

The continued to walk down the road, looking in at the windows at all the cool stuff behind the glass.

They entered honeydukes and Hari grabbed a bag, starting to fill it. Once they had filled up a massive bag of candy each, they left the store.

Fred glanced over at shop, staring at the window, and got a snowball to the back of the head.

"Hey!" he threw one back at her, missing.

#) You missed, (# Hari laughed, wind whipping her hair around her face. His next throw hit her, but she could only stand there, and laugh.

They continued on their way.

"What were you working on earlier?" Fred after they got on the carriage.

#) Wolfsbane. (# She said without thinking.

He looked at her in shock, "what? That's not even in the seventh-year curriculum! You learn that if you become an apprentice!"

#) I umm, what did I say? (#

"You said you were making wolfsbane!"

#) I- umm.... I was just- (# He gave her a look and she paused, then nodded. #) Yeah, I was making wolfsbane. (#

"But your potions marks are only pretty good at best? Aren't they? You told us that you barely passed last year? How are you making such an advanced potion?"

#) Beginner's luck? (# Hari tried to lie, it sounded so fake that she cringed.

"We need to talk, you've been being really weird, and this is just one thing. "

#) What? I'm not being weird. (# Hari  said, and immediately saw it was the wrong response as his expression darkened. Hari took a deep breath, #) What did I do? (# she asked nervously.

"I've seen you disappearing into the dungeons, you just randomly go missing." He paused, "There are nights that Hermione doesn't see you enter or leave your dorm, or finds it empty in the middle of the night. I know because she asked if you were with me and then accused me of being inappropriate as if I would ever make you uncomfortable!"

#) Fred, I- (# 

"I've seen you hugging professor Snape, bloody hugging the professor that everyone knows you hate. I've seen a very familiar-looking fox on Malfoy's lap. I don't know how you changed your fur to blond but I know it was you. Malfoy? Really!?"

She flinched as he yelled, "Fred-" she blinked, fighting to see to see through her tears.

"Just how stupid and blind do you think I am!?" He jumped off the now stopped carriage, walking away.

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