Chapter 18 - Devil's Spawn

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"Say what?"

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"Say what?"

Rosé bit her lip and watched Ashley give her a look between shock and annoyance. Rosé had gone over to Ashley's apartment for lunch. "Paintball. It'll be fun."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Ashley seemed to be getting mad. "I don't paintball. What the hell happened to a nice dinner? I was thinking we could have it at Mr. Manoban's restaurant. A nice, sit-down dinner. No paint anywhere!"

"Come on, Ashley," Rosé practically begged, "It's way more fun than a boring dinner. And Jennie really seemed to want to do it."

Ashley's face relaxed. "So that whole Jennie thing is happening? Again?"

"It never happened the first time," Rosé said, "But we somehow got a second chance, and I don't want to blow this. It's different this time. She's different and so am I. I just....I can't mess this up. Please."

Ashley let out a huff of air. "You never got over her, huh? Even while you were with Lisa and the guys and girls you dated after."

"Jennie and I never got a chance to start," Rosé explained, "I want to start it now. She still makes me feel like I can do anything, and I get all tingly around her. She makes me feel scared but in a good, exciting way. You know?"

"I hope she did change," Ashley said, "Because if she hurts you again I will kick her ass this time. But fine. If this paintball thing will finally put an end to the Jennie Saga, I'll do it."

"Yay! OK, so just invite everyone from college, "Rosé said, "Don't forget Felix. I think Lisa told him today she's his new boss. I wish I could have seen that."

"What about you?" Ashley asked, "When do you go in?"

"Soon. And I can't wait," Rosé said, "I want to find a good script and start filming. Everything we've gotten sucks. It's mostly stupid romantic comedies or over-the-top action movies."

"Action movies make money," Ashley said.

Rosé wondered. "Did you ever read Jennie's books?"

"Umm, I read half of the first one," Ashley said, "It was really good. I just never got around to finishing it. I got so busy with work I never went back to it. I think I still have it bookmarked where I left off. Why?"

"Jennie wrote a script." Rosé almost laughed when she saw Ashley's eyebrows shoot up. "I haven't read it, but I know it's good. I want to make her script into my next movie. She says she doesn't know where it is, but I think she's lying. Jennie is like the most organized person ever. She knows where it is. I think she's just embarrassed she wrote it. I'm going to try to convince her to let me read it."

"Rosie, it could suck," Ashley said.

Rosé shook her head. "No way. Jennie is an amazing writer. I know it's good."

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