Last Resort

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Summary:Capture the flag can be a fun game between friends, it can also be torture when you have to face other opponents who are gunning for your top spot. At least the big 3 have our little greenette's back.


"Listen Pilot, there are things you must understand about your quirk before we progress." Came the voice of Izuku's omniscient A.I. with a more serious tone than he'd heard before, what could BT possibly be referring too?

"You cannot, foresee every possible situation or event and you must understand that being prepared not only to combat with me but without me is a necessity. Your physical body must be at its absolute peak along with your mental state. We form a bond with one another, and through that bond we are able operate much faster than normal men or machines. -

And, so due to your lack of muscle mass or fighting capabilities I suggest that you begin training. More so, I suggest that you ask your parental figure to enroll you in some form of Dojo, combat ability and fighting style is a great asset to you. Please heed these words Pilot, you must strengthen not only your mind but your body as well." Izuku mentally agreed with his counterpart, he truly did need the practice and proficiency of those much older than him. He may have a quirk that can do great things, but if all he is, is his quirk. What good was he?

A few days later the boy had gone to his adoptive father and asked Nedzu to enroll him into a dojo of some sort. And, the vermin happily agreed, understanding that Izuku should have some basic if not higher-level skills in combat could be helpful considering the boy was less than gifted in his physical strength.

Time would pass as it always did, a blink of an eye and days turned into months. When Izuku wasn't training with his sensei, he was training at one of Yuuei's smaller gym facilities that Nedzu had allowed the child to use during his time off from school.

As of course, even some of the staff had occasionally helped the boy, not often nor frequently enough for most of them to care about him but enough that they knew his name and face. Ms. Midnight and Sensei Present Mic both knew the boy well and stopped by on occasion.

Izuku had only ever met Mr. Aizawa once, when Present Mic had dragged the poor man to the training room to talk and spar. And Izuku never wanted to see him again. He was a little scary if you ask the greenette.


"Forty-two of you made it through to the next round. And now onto the selection for this year." The wheel on the large projection screen began to spin as Midnight smirked up. "And, the next event is Capture The Flag!" Yelled the 18+ heroine.

"Capture the flag?" Most seemed to ask, unsure of how exactly that would work, was there a point system or?

"Participants will, on their own, form teams of two to four members each. The rules are fundamentally the same as those of an ordinary capture the flag battle- snag your opponent's flag white guarding your own. However, there is a twist. Each of you has been assigned a point value based on your ranking in the last event." The group before the Midnight all nodded in understanding, it seemed simple enough.

"Anyways, your individual point values start at five, at the bottom. So, the student who took 42nd place is worth five points, 41st is worth 10 points. Get it? But... Our first-place participants are worth five hundred thousand points each!" And all eyes immediately landed on Izuku and Hado, they were doomed.

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