47: The Astrologer 01

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"You only scored thirty-five points in physics."

Zong Yan: "..."

He wanted to punch something!

Even if you were an evil god, you shouldn't say that kind of thing to a high school student who just got out of examination hell!!!

What was even more insufferable was that Zong Yan actually noticed a trace of unhappiness in that evil god's deep golden eyes.

Crazy, why are you so dissatisfied! Why is it so terrible to get thirty-five points in physics!!

"Oh?" Zong Yan glared at him. "It's a big improvement over last time."

"An improvement?" the Lord of Omniscience said coolly. "You scored thirty-two points on the previous exam. That's quite some progress."

How can you just tear people down? Sadly, evil gods didn't seem to understand this principle.

"It's three points. If that isn't progress, what is it?" Zong Yan set his jaw. "Is that what you use all that omniscience for? The mighty Lord of Time and Space might as well give me an insignificant bit of human physics knowledge. That way I'll get a perfect score next time."

Since the death of his grandma, Zong Yan hadn't received this kind of public execution, which might be why he'd completely stopped trying in physics. That, in turn, had led to his current situation.

Yog hooked the corner of his mouth. "It's not impossible. But the last time Nyarla tried it, you shoved him through a wall."

Zong Yan: ? ? ?

How come I didn't know I was so awesome.

"If you're willing to open your brain for me—" The gray-haired, golden-eyed evil god lowered his voice, "I can certainly grant you eternal knowledge, Your Little Majesty."

Zong Yan could see the ghostly light flickering in those golden eyes. He wasn't sure why but he suddenly thought of the scene from his dream last time, lying down and staring up at the sky.

The sky was so dark when all the other lights had vanished, and the only thing that remained were those twinkling stars, pinpoints of light, flaring, flickering, fading.

Zong Yan liked stars very much.

In the dark there was no need to light a lamp. The stars would keep him company when he slept, and he didn't need to be afraid when he walked alone at night. The stars would show him the way.

The eyes of the Lord of Time and Space seemed to be strewn with so many stars, a hundred million points of light in all their splendor. Like the corners of that compellingly curved mouth, he was descending and drowning, willing to die in the illusory dream world of the evil god.

But why, when he looked into the other person's eyes, did he see his favorite color?

As Zong Yan thought of this in a daze he suddenly woke up, like a pail of cold water was suddenly poured over his head.

"What did you just do? Are you trying to mind control me?"

Stompstompstomp, he backpedaled a few times and dropped his school bag on the floor. He backed towards the corner, watching the gray-haired evil god warily.

"I didn't." Yog's face was completely innocent. "You shouldn't look into my eyes for very long. The eyes of an evil god's avatar are the only channel connected to the main body. If you look at them for a long time you will lose yourself."

To put it in human terms, that meant permanent madness.

"Although—if you do get lost, it means my true form must be very pleasing to you."

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