Preferences || meeting you

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...this took so damn long to finish..

Warnings: death of parents, abandonment, running away, and a bunch of cringe because this was horribly written.

Some stories are shorter than others because I'm either not interested in that character, or I don't like that character, OR I ran out of ideas (most likely).

Tell me what you think!


Your age: 1
Mephone4 didn't really have the choice to take care of you, it was more...forced. He just woke up one day, found a basket (with you as an infant inside) next to him. He tried his best to find somewhere to put you, he did not like kids at the time, and he didn't want any babies messing up his hosting.

It was a nightmare for Mephone4 when he realized he had to take care of you. He didn't like it at all, until the you finally said your first words. He was so excited and so proud, he scared himself...

You were one year old when he first started taking care of you, and you were two years old when season 1 ended. And after the season ended, and all of that 'being killed by another mephone' trauma finally ended, and 4S sacrificed himself for him. He had realized that he should keep taking care of you, maybe even adopt you.

Now during the other seasons, you're 10(or 11) years old. He'll sometimes have you help him with hosting, sometimes you'll even announce who's eliminated.

The only problem is.. all of the contestants are still confused on how and why he has a kid helping him host. None of them have context to the situation.


Your age: 4
(This is an AU to Mephone4's story, so you'll be a different age.)
Mephone4S was stuck in that cage for months, he was trying his best to escape, but he stopped when he woke up with a four year old leaning on him(you). He had no idea where you came from, and he had no idea where to put you.

4S had never taken care of a kid, nor has he seen a kid in his entire life, he had no idea how to take care of anyone. He was built for murder, not for care. But you just kept asking him for food and drinks, and you would sometimes call him dad. It confused him in every way possible, he doesn't know you at all and you're calling him your father.

It wasn't until he escaped the cage and they followed him that he realized you were told to stay with him. Mephone4 had put you in the cage while he was sleeping and told you 4S was your real dad. It made him furious that his relative did that, but he still needed to protect him from the Mephone5.

When the Mephone5, Bow, and Mephone4 all died in the water, you were clutching him tightly from fear. He knew he had to bring Mephone4 back, but he didn't want to leave you, especially with the phone who basically abandoned you in a cage. He was conflicted, but he knew it was the right thing to bring him back.

"Here, I cannot self terminate. You must slide to downgrade me to Me0S4," Mephone4S told the others. He then turned to you and just said "I'm sorry, kid, I'm sorry." He didn't even know your name, but he had already grown a strong parental connection with you. "I need to go away," He placed his hand on your head. You were very confused, until that moment.

You tried your best to make him stop and stay. You cried, begged him to stay, you even tried to cling onto him, maybe that would make him stay? "I must go away," One of the others had to hold you as they downgraded him.

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