comments / messages

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hello, i been receiving messages and comments about this story and many others i did (nothing bad, just plot lines and cringe chapters) i would like to say i wrote this story and others a long time ago when i first started wattpad which was around 7 years ago.

i apologize for the confusing plot lines or how stupid some chapters are. i welcome comments on telling me how to do better but i do not welcome hate on my page nor in my messages.

i have unpublished my other stories from what i been receiving, but decided to keep this one because many of you wanted this story to be kept. i respect you as a reader and a friend but when lines are crossed, there is pressure on me.

thank you for reading and thank you to those who like this story, of course some don't but that is ok.

- author

"My Classmate" ー jikook ⚣ [COMPLETED] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now