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Lorenzo POV

"Alright, Antonio se unirá a nosotros aquí in a few days so everyone remember to greet him. As well as that, we have much work to get through so let's move."
[Antonio will be joining us here.]

I had planned the day carefully, making sure there was enough time for travelling and bough time to discuss the peace offerings we brought for them.

Each group would have an hour for discussion and half an hour for travelling. Oscar and I along with a few of my men were set for the entire day.

"You're sticking with me, and don't even think about fucking with me if you wanna see your brother again." I told Oscar.

He sighed and reluctantly agreed as he walked to the passenger door of the Impala.

I unlocked it and let him in, getting comfortable in the seat before I started the engine.

*play the song*
The sound of Champagne Poetry played through the speakers from my Spotify and I tapped the wheel to the rhythm as we drove to our first spot.

"Te gustan las canciones de Drake?"
[translation: do you Drake's songs?

"Sí, I do."

He laughed lightly, and leaned back in his seat.

"So Lorenzo," he started, "what happened to tu novia?"

I took a deep breath, having not discussed this topic for years.

"A few years ago, the Italian Mafia and the Russian Mafia went to war. They crossed us and used a Mexican Mafia for benefits but ended up losing. We planned for days and mi novia was the heir to the Italian Mafia.

I had never met a woman like her. Her father asked me to kidnap here a couple months back and she didn't know about him. He also didn't know, and neither did I, that she was an assassin.

With her father's resources, we were told to track the assassin, and when she came here and it finally clicked to me- I realised who she was.

By the time I realised, she had snuck out of the house- a mafia mansion filled with men and high tech security- and she was on her way to New York City. She foiled us all by walking out the front door as if it was nothing."

"How did she become your girlfriend?"

"Her father planned with my father for us to get married. When she was ready, or had at least fallen for me and I felt the same way, she and I were to get married and one of us would take over the Mafia. Although, neither parent knew what an accomplished woman she was and they assumed that I would be taking control.

When she heard about the engagement and the leadership, she uh- threatened her father and I."

Oscar chuckled and I laughed along with him.

"Sounds like you had a nice woman." He said.

"I did, till she passed away. Car crash right after the defeat of the Russian Mafia."

"Sorry to hear that. It's hard, losing people like that. Especially your girl; if it's any consolation, I'll help you out with whatever you need. I need a few strong connections and I feel like you and I can make a good partnership between us."

"I agree with you. Just redeem yourself today and help me out, and we can work something out."

He nodded in agreement, and we kept driving.

"Look, ese, I made mistakes when I led this gang. One of which was overstepping my territory.  I ain't gon do it again alright? If we want this to end, we gotta work together and come to an agreement." Oscar said, as I stood behind him listening well.

The second I saw the guys hand go to his holster, I grabbed my gun and aimed it at the guy.

"Don't even. Nosotros venimos en paz. You pull out your gun, we'll pull out ten more. Don't fuck with us." I said, staring the guy down.
[translation: we came in peace]

"Intentaste matarnos."
[translation: you tried to kill us]

"In retaliation to your earlier attacks. We came here to ask for peace and to resolve our issue; we aren't here to waste time by arguing with you. Decide now what you wish to do because whether you agree or not, our gang will step back from conflict so if you continue to fight with us, don't complain when we kill you all."

The leader stared back at me then moved his gaze to Oscar, who stood right in front of him.

"You mess up one more time, ya has terminado."
[translation: you're finished]

They shook hands and I shook hands with the leader as well, before Oscar and I went back to the car and I began driving towards the next destination.

The day went by slowly, socialising and fighting with people for hours before coming to many agreements.

Just as we were about to head back to the hotel, Oscar stopped me and asked me something.

"Have you... spoken to Antonio?" He said nervously.

"Yeah, I uh- called him the other day to see how he was doing. He and I talked for some time before I had to hang up."

"How is he?"

"He's started to eat properly again and he's getting better. He... wants to come see you. Not now, but soon. I gave him my word that he would be able to come and see you."

"Thank you, Lorenzo." He said, nodding at me respectfully.

"You hurt him ever again, or force him to hide who he is- I will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth and dig your grave myself. Do you understand me?"

Nodding frantically and repeating the words 'yes, I will' , confirmed to me that Oscar wouldn't be hurting his brother ever again.

He was already aware of the consequences if he did and he knew that I was a man of my word.

"Don't fuck with me Oscar Suarez. Come inside, let's get some drinks together to relax a little."

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CLB or Donda??

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