Author's Note

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First and foremost, I would like to thank all of you for the support you have given me in this journey. The kindness and love that I have found in this community, I wouldn't trade it for the world. When I started Chéri, I was in a very low point in my life. I had no hope. I didn't have much to look forward to and I felt more alone than I had ever felt in my eighteen years of life. I didn't know what to expect about writing a fanfic. I was afraid since it was something completely new. One thing is being a reader and another completely different one is being a writer, and I can say this now after finishing my first fic. It was so fucking amazing and I'd do it all over again without hesitating. I have learned so much from Chéri that I'm tearing up writing this little message to all of you. It hasn't been the easiest thing in the world, believe me, but that doesn't take from the fact that I've loved all of it.

Once again, thank you for the love, kindness, patience, support and compassion you have shown me. Thanks to Chéri, I've discovered one of the passions that I never intend in giving up now. Writing is so exhilarating that it's like being in a never ending rollercoaster, or even getting on a bus or train with no destination in mind. Sometimes I started writing and I was letting go of so many bottled emotions that I didn't even know were in me. Other times, writing sad chapters helped me let go of tears that I had been holding back for months. And others, I just wanted to put into words and into the characters the joy I was feeling. This truly has taught me so much, and I also intend in going back an rewriting the first couple of parts just to polish them and add minor plot changes, along as to correct some mistakes that I did when I first started writing.

So I guess that this is it. The end. Thank you all, because I never could have done it without you. Each reader has a special place in my heart, and I cherish and love every single one of you. And one more thing, never forget to treat people with kindness 'cause we never really know what's the reality going on in someone deep inside <3

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