Part II // Stranger Danger

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You had a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach for a bit of time now. Maybe it was the change in pattern, or maybe it was your mothers' voice echoing in your head just making you overly paranoid, but you've had the strangest feeling for quite a while now that someone has been watching you.

You've been walking down the path, the man told you about for miles. Your water bottle was completely empty, and you were starting to get awfully thirsty. Was this really a shortcut? Or did you get turned around along the way? You definitely don't remember the trip taking nearly this long when it was you and your mother. You sighed, starting to get a little frightened, but not entirely wanting to admit it to yourself. You picked up your pace a little more before a sound close by caught your ear. It sounded like... water?

You followed the noise and sure enough, there it was, a rapid flowing stream. Perfect for refilling your water bottle. You placed your basket down and made your way over to the river. Bending down carefully before the water started filling into your bottle quicker than you could register. The sheer force of the stream had caught you completely off guard, causing you to lose your balance and fall forward.

You closed your eyes and let out a screech, ready to be swept away by the current before you felt an arm wrap around you, pulling you into someone... or should you say something.

"My my my. That sure was careless of you." A deep unfamiliar voice chuckled, the vibrations in their chest so deep, you felt them on your back while pressed up against them. Panic shooting through your body, you pushed off of them falling right to the ground. It hurt, but you didn't let that stop you, scurrying away until you deemed the distance safe enough to turn around.

You frantically flipped your body over, only to be met with the bright blue eyes of a beast. His fangs were sharp, peaking through his lips ever so slightly. His ears and tail twitch with a rhythm that could only be compared to a cat ready to pounce on its prey. The only difference was that this was definitely not a house cat. He was much, much bigger. Towering over you like a true beast, just like the one your mother warned you about.

"Well, someone's jumpy. Aren't they? And after I went through all that trouble to save you, you go and get yourself hurt anyway." He scolds, plastering on a fake frown and motioning towards your leg. You look down and realize he's right. There was a gash on your knee, blood coating the area. It must've happened in your tumble, but with your current state of fear, you didn't even realize it was there.

The wolf begins to kneel in front of you, and you attempt to make a run for it, but he grabs your ankle before you get the chance, pulling you back towards him in a matter of seconds. It's no use. He's bigger, faster, and stronger than you. You never stood a chance.

"I don't suppose you have any bandages in that basket, do you?"

You don't respond. In shock from this whole situation, but the wolf isn't a very patient man. Not wanting to wait for a response that he can't guarantee will come, he leans over you, his chest just barely touching your face as he grabs your basket from behind you. The sudden close proximity has you trembling once again.

He watched as you shivered, with that terrified little look in your eyes, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't turned on. There was just something about you. A sweet innocent girl, cowering beneath him that had him wanting to rip that hood (amongst a few of your other clothing items) right off.

"Calm down. I'm not hungry at the moment, so you don't have anything to be afraid of. Have I caused you any harm yet?"

You contemplated for a moment. He saved you from falling in the river, and even now he's patching up your knee for you. So he had a point, the only harm that came to you was because of your own doing. And there was no doubt in your mind that if he wanted you dead. You would be. Plain and simple. So you shook your head 'no'.

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