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"I swear if i had a dollar for everytime kentrell played me i'd be rich" 

Tyquian's Pov 

Tay cried on my shoulder as i patted his back. Nick and zion are getting married but that's not all they had the nerve to invite tay to the wedding. "I feel so terrible right now! How dare he invite me to his wedding i'm going to give him a peace of my mind!" Tay yells before joe stops him. "I say you go to the wedding" Joe says making even ben look at him crazy. "They say doing good is the best revenge so you go to the wedding and show him your doing good in life and trust me he'll be saltier than the pacific ocean" Joe says. "Your right i'm going to te wedding and showing nick how well i'm doing in life" Tay says. 

I smile at my friends and then kentrell walked in with some dude behind him. "Who's this?" i ask and he smiles. "This is john he works with me so we'll be upstairs working" kentrell says. A few minutes later we heard some banging against the wall and moaning. My heart filled with anger not just cause he cheated but because he did it with me sitting right here with my FRIENDS. 

"I swear i thought kentrell was an angel but he was worse than the devil himself" 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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