I'm happy

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I wake up in the hospital bed, great not this again. I hear voices as the door burst open and Lana runs through. "LILY!" she screams. She goes to hug me but I push her away.

" NO THIS IS ALL A DREAM!" I scream. I curl up into a ball and cry. I feel Lana's hands wrap around me as I cry into her chest. Then I hear Izzy run in. "LILY YOU'RE AWAKE." she screams as she runs up and joins the hug. "What's the matter?" Izzy says and I look into her eyes and she looks into mine. "THIS IS ALL FAKE, I WAS IN A COMA AND NOW I MUST BE BACK IN IT AGAIN." i scream and Lana looks at me confused. "Sweetie, you have in a coma for the last two weeks." Lana says and I look to her confused. "How do I know this isn't the coma?" I say and Lana looks to me. "Want me to pinch you?" She says and laughs.

"Actually yes..." I say back and she tickles me and then pinches me on the arm and I feel something I didn't feel in the other world, pain. The pinch hurt, now that I think of it, when I got hit by the car, when I whacked my arm on my bedroom door the other day in the other world, none of it hurt. I look to her with tears in my eyes and she looks worried. "Are you ok? I'm sorry did I hurt you" She says and I smile.

"Mum" I say and pull her into the biggest hug we have ever shared. I feel her cry onto my shoulder and I cry too. I hear the door close as Izzy walks out. "I'll see you later Lil!" she says and I smile and wave goodbye as I pull out of the hug with mum. "I missed you, It was crazy! I lived the vidcon again, but this time you didn't know I was your daughter and then I made a fool out of myself. I ran out of the vidcon and I got hit by a car and then I was here" I say and she looks at me shocked. "Well then' She says and we both start laughing. Just then the door opens and Bex runs in 'LILY!" She screams and runs to hug me

"BEX! I'VE MISSED YOU" I scream and pull her into a tight hug she hugs me back and I look to the door as Jen and Izzy run back in and join the hug and so does Lana. We hug for what feels like forever before the doctors say I can leave. We all rush to the car and rush home. I have missed home so much. I go upstairs and run straight to my bedroom. I jump onto the bed and Lana laughs. "careful missy" She says and I sit up and smile to her. Everyone walks in and sit on the bed. We all hug, the biggest group hug I have ever had. I lean over Izzy's shoulder and look into the mirror. For the first time, I smile at myself, I smile at the family I have around me, I smile because I'm happy. I'm happy that Lana Parrilla became my mother. And that's where my story ends, and not because my pen ran out of ink, because I finally found my happy ending.

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