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Abhimanyu's POV

I have been trying to cook for more than an hour and to say that I'm failing miserably would be an understatement. I'm stirring the sauce when I smell something burning. The pasta is burned. I kept it to boil but completely forgot about it and now its stuck to the pot. 

Just then Meera comes in and asks," Is something burning?"

"I may have accidently overcooked the pasta a little", I say sheepishly. She then goes over to the stove and looks at it in horror. Just then the door bell rings. I open it and its the pizza delivery guy. I dint order anything.

"Meera did you order pizza", I ask .

"Yeah", she shouts back from the kitchen. I take the pizza and head inside. 

"Come on lets eat, I'm hungry ", she says dragging me towards the dining table.

"Why did you order pizza ? Its really sad that you don't trust me at all", I say feigning to be hurt. I'm actually glad she did.

"Since when did you become such a drama queen?"

We eat our dinner talking and laughing over silly things. After that I decide to hit the gym since I missed my morning workout . I have a personal gym on the second floor

I change my clothes and inform Meera that I'm  going to the gym . She looks at me weirdly.

"You are going to workout? At 9pm?"

"Yes. Its not easy to maintain a body like this", I say gesturing to myself while she rolls her eyes. You cant blame me for showing off. I do have a pretty impressive body.  

"How many hours do you actually workout?"

"At least 2 hours for most days", I say and her eyes widen in surprise. 

"Geez. I tried going to the gym once but its not my cup of tea "

"Yo-", I start to say but then Reyansh starts crying , cutting me off. We rush to his room and I lift him up trying to calm him down. He stops crying after a few minutes . Meera checks his temperature and to our relief, it has reduced. 

She goes to get Rey something to eat while I try to get him to drink his medicine which he refuses to take. 

"Come on Rey just take this ", I say holding the spoon out but turns his face every time I try to  feed him. I have been at this for 15mins now but he refuses to drink it. Just then Meera enters with a bowl of porridge . Looking at her , Reyansh crawls towards her gesturing her to lift him up. 

His face is red from crying . Meera wipes his tears and he nuzzles his face in to her neck

"What happened Reyansh, why are you crying?", she asks him. Guess what he does. He says dada and points at me like its my fault.

"Really, dada is troubling you? Its ok, we won't talk to him", she says while making him sit down. He smiles in return like he understood everything she just said.

She starts feeding him and he eats it happily. She then discreetly gestures me to pass the medicine. I pass her the bottle and instead of the porridge she gives him the syrup which he drinks without noticing. 

My phone starts to ring and its my PA. She reminds me about the meeting tomorrow and the presentation I have to review for it. 

"I have some work, I'll be back in some time", I say and head towards my study. 

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