forty one

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"oh, shit!" the two girls said.

"guys?" Kiara screamed.

"guys, the water!" Caroline screamed.

"shit. Kiara, Ace, get out of there now!" Pope yelled but it was too late, the drain was quickly filling up with water.

"we don't have time! guys!" Kiara cried out.

"shit! Kie, climb up, go!" Caroline told her which she listened quickly climbing up, Caroline behind her closely.

Caroline slipped falling under the water but held on tightly to the ladder, JJ on the other hand ran as fast as he could to save the girls and hoped Caroline would be okay.

"please! Pope! Guys! Ace, she fell i can't see her!" Kiara cried out hoping the boys could hear her. 

"Ace, baby! we're coming!" JJ yelled.

Caroline felt the gun on her back still, opening her eyes ignoring the stinging from the dirty water, she grabbed the other side of the ladder, she climbed up hearing her screams, Kiara looked down at her moving aside slightly as Caroline climbed up catching her breath coughing roughly.

"JJ!" she croaked out.

"i'm here, baby! we're getting you guys out." JJ yelled to her.

the water quickly rose which covered the girls, they held in their breath again. the boys struggled pulling the drain up which they finally did as water soaked them, Kiara and Caroline climbed out coughing roughly and catching their breath. Caroline crawled out completely laying on her stomach on the ground, JJ kneeled down beside her moving her hair aside.

Caroline coughed slowly sitting up catching her breath, Kiara turned to her and the two smiled at each other lightly holding each other's hand tightly. when they both started coughing roughly again from the smell of the water almost throwing up letting go of each other.

"i thought we lost you." Pope hugged Kiara tightly but she pushed him away.

"Pope, get off me. Pope, get off me!" she yelled at him.

"baby, Kie you good?" JJ asked the girls.

"never better." they both replied.

"oh, almost forgot, Ace, show em." Kiara grunted motioning to her.

Caroline chucked pulling the gun from behind her shorts showing the boys, "this wasn't what we were looking for, right?" she smiled up at JJ who smiled widely.

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