Midnight Sons #1

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You waked up looking in the direction tv, it was still playing just on mute.

You stood up and walked into the kitchen looking around seeing Pete making eggs.

Pete: morning!

Y/N: m-MoRNiNg....

Pete: wow! You're getting a lot better kiddo!

You gave an embarrassed shrug in response.

You began signing " so, has MJ told you anything recently?"

Pete: no, not off the top of my head. Why did she say something to you? Ohhhhh I know.

Oh thank god!

Pete: she told you my birthday was coming up didn't she.

God dammit!

You signed "uh, no"

Pete: oh really we-

MJ: good Morning!

MJ strode into the kitchen pecking Pete on the cheek.

MJ: Mornin' tiger~

Pete looked over at her and kissed her back.

Pete: hey...

You just signed "real immature, guys."

They both chuckled at this Pete walked into the Dining room with three plates, and the pan of eggs.

You looked at MJ who went to make a cup of coffee.
You tapped her shoulder making her turn around.

MJ: what's up, sweets?

You signed "when are you going to tell Peter?"

MJ: *sigh* Y/N, I-I don't know yet, I will soon but-

You interrupted by signing "I feel wrong hiding it from him!"

MJ rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before saying in a hushed voice.

MJ: I-I don't know, things have been sorta *sigh* distant...it feels like we're more friends than, husband and wife...

To be honest she wasn't entirely wrong, they weren't really flaunting their relationship, but why shouldn't they I mean you'd been living with them for almost...well come to think of it you didn't exactly know how long it'd been you'd kinda lost track once you went to Krakoa...

MJ: oh, what am I thinking, I'm sorry I don't mean to burden you with this.

She brushed her hand across your face moving some of your hair out of your eyes.

You gave a small smile at this, you wanted to say more but figured it wasn't your place.

Before she could turn away you signed "if something is bothering you about Pete you shou-

MJ: sweets, I don't want you worrying about this, alright?

You nodded as she walked away into the dining room.

You quickly joined her in the dining room where Pete had doled out the eggs onto each persons plate.

Later that day you saw Pete heading out the door before you stopped him.

Pete: oh hey bud, what's up?

You signed "when we're we going to talk about what Doctor Strange talked to me about?"

Pete: oh, right. Uhm damn, I've been so scatterbrained lately, but uh-what'd he talk to you about?

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