Final Chapter: The Edge Of The World

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I wrapped my arms around my dove who was sleeping naked next to me under a thin layer of sheet. We are in Shingashina and today we will be leaving, going back on the sea, the brats mentioned there was a place with dancing lights in the sky and begged me to go see it. It's far away, it will take us months to go and return but we might as well go.

We are pirates after all, let's explore the world.

"Good morning. " I heard her say and turned around, her chest in full view for me, but her face was better to look at.

"Good morning. " I kissed her neck.

"You woke up in a good mood. " she smiled.

"Enjoy it while it lasts." I moved lower.

"We just woke up and you want to go again? "

"Mmm. " I got on top of her. "I kidnapped you for this reason, so do your job."

"Or? "

"Or I'll throw you overboard." I got under the sheet.

"And you'll follow me to the bottom? "




I went down to the tavern and saw Kuchel sitting by the window, I walked up to her with a smile and wrapped my arms around her from behind making her flinch.

"Oh, (Y/N), I didn't notice you."

"You weren't supposed to. " I sat in front of her. "How do you like the place? Have you settled in? "

"Yeah... Isabel and Farlan are really sweet, the room they gave me is really nice."

"It's good that you like it here, when Levi wants supplies he comes here and stays a while so you'll be seeing him often."

"Yeah... If he wants to see me. " she smiled sadly. "He barely talks to me and when he does he finds any excuse to run away."

"Don't take it personally... He was told many lies about you when he was younger and after I told him what happened he genuinely thought he would never see you again. He thought you were dead or had run away."

"I know, I don't blame him, I just wish he would talk to me... "

"He doesn't know what to tell you, that's all. He is happy you are here, just confused."

"I hope he's better next time I see him. I heard you are going far away so it will take a while. "

"I'm sure he'll come around. He just needs time." I smiled and she nodded putting her hands together.

"How did you find him? "

"..." I pushed my lips together. "I didn't find him, he found me. "

"Was he looking for me? "

"No... Not really... " he wanted someone to sleep with and kidnapped me along with the girls. I can't say that. "It was during an attack, it's in the past now."

"Well either way I'm happy he is with you." she smiled. "You two seem very good for each other. " I felt blood rushing to my face and looked down.

"Don't say things like that! "

"What? " she chuckled. "It's the truth."


"Sophia? " I said quietly and she raised her head.

"(Y/N)?" she raised her hand. "Where are you? " I took her hand.

"I'm here, I'm here." I sat in front of her on the small couch with her hand still in mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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