2 - Boyfriend

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Ally's P.O.V.

After Jimin finishes pouring some soju into my glass, I do the same and we both chug it really fast feeling the sweet bitterness of it going down.

"That hits the spot." I slam my shot glass on the bench that we're sitting on as I hear Jimin laugh at me.

"I never knew you could drink this much. Who are you?"

After getting off of our busy schedules, we decided to go get a late night "snack" and eat it besides the Han River.

"After living in Korea for more than 3 years it's only normal that I learn how to drink." Picking up my glass to signal Jimin to pour me another one, he looks at me amused and soon pours me some. I quickly take the shot.

"I can't believe I've been here for 3 years. Time flies fast." I could feel the alcohol kicking in as it was putting me in a mellow mood.

"Did you ever think you would stay this long?"

Leaning back in my seat and looking up at the stars, I shake my head.

"No. I'd thought that after a couple of months I'd go back home." 

It's true. I didn't think that I'd last this long away from my family. I was very close to my family. The first couple of months I was here, I became homesick.

"I'm glad you stayed."

"How come?" Turning my head to look at him, I curiously wait for his response.

"Because I wouldn't have gotten to know you. You're an amazing person and I'm glad I have you in my life."

As he looked at me with his shining eyes, he gave me a smile, almost as backing up what he said. This only caused me to blush almost instantly as no one has ever said something like this to me.

"Don't look at me like that!" Immediately, I cover my face trying to hide my now redden self.

"Why?" I hear him laugh as he asks and can also hear the way how big his smile got.

"We may be friends, but I'm still an Army and having you smiling at me like that... makes me blush."

I mean if you had Park Jimin saying you're amazing and smiling at you the way he was at me, can you blame me for acting the way I am?

I think the heck not!

"Let me see!" He tried to remove my hands from my face, but this only led to him getting slapped. This was enough to stop him, but now he was bursting out in laughter.

"Ok, I promise I won't look at you like that." Looking at him from in between my fingers, I make sure that he wasn't playing. After making sure, I slowly bring my hands down.

I need another shot. Taking my glass and the bottle of soju, I pour myself some and then chug it. Soon, the noise between us died down and all that was left were the late busy streets of Seoul..

"What made you stay?"

Bringing my empty glass down, I hold it in my hand and stop for a minute. You could say that this question caught me off guard. In all honesty, I never really thought about this question before.

"I think I just grew attached to this place and the people as well. If I would've left, I'd be leaving behind so many things."

"Do you miss home?"

Changing my view from my glass to the stars, I take in the view while I go into my mind. This was always a hard question because home for me was my family in a way. But talking location wise, I didn't.

"I did. It was all I thought about, but not anymore because this is my home now. I couldn't imagine myself leaving this place."

Jimin's P.O.V.

As I stare at Ally, she turns to look at me and I look at her with such serene. I couldn't help but be glad that she never left this place. If it were up to me, I would never want her to leave because if she ever did, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. These past few years she has managed to carve a hole in my heart and stay there permanently.

Actually, I couldn't imagine my life without her not in it. She is everything that anyone would've loved in a person. I loved her even with all the nagging she does to me, her jokes, contagious smiles and laughs, and down to her beautiful soul.


I loved the way she would always look at me with those eyes of hers, especially when they're filled with curiosity; her smile completes my heart and warms me up.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how boring your life would've been if you never met me."

"And the moment is ruined."

"You know I'm right." I couldn't resist laughing at her reaction, but in a way, I was right.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, bud"

Finally giving in, she laughs along with me as we continue to nag each other with the stars and moon watching me fall even more in love with her.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

While on my way to practice, I spot Ally walking a couple feet in front of me. A smile was instantly put on my face by just looking at her. Before she gets any further away from me, I run over to her.

"Hey." Stopping right next to her, I noticed how she jumped a bit. "I tried calling you last night, why didn't you pick up?"

"You did? I must have not noticed since I was busy." Taking out her phone, she checks out the 3 missed calls that she had.

"What were you doing?"

"I was out having drinks with Jimin."

"Jimin?" It was only 10 am and I was already starting to feel annoyed. "Why?!"

"Because I can. Am I sensing jealousy here?" She comes to a sudden halt and turns to face me with her eyes squinted.

"No, but I'd prefer you not going out so late with anyone."

I was totally jealous, but admitting it was something I will never do.

"It was just Jimin, chill out." Turning around, she continues to walk.

If it was any other guy like Tae, then I wouldn't be jealous. But the fact that it was Jimin and he still hasn't lost feelings for Ally, I couldn't help being on the fence about it.

"Don't go out next time, no matter who it is, okay?"

"Last time I checked, you weren't my boyfriend."

Stopping immediately in my tracks, I stand in place looking at her in disbelief at what she just said. In a way, I thought that I was her "boyfriend" even though we weren't official. I mean, we kissed a few times and acted like a couple. How was I not considered her "boyfriend?..."

While still trying to process what just happened, I watch as she walks away and waves at me until she is completely out of my view.


She a savage and that's all I got to say 🤭

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