Chapter 1. A Sad Day

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(AN: Naruto's hair is Red)

It was a quiet night in the hidden leaf village with some people walking around and the occasional ninja running across the roof tops. But in a secluded are of the village far away from everyone a woman was giving birth to her soon to be newborn son


"It's okay Kushina you can do it just a couple more pushes" said Minato while holding his wife's hand.

"I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY AND PUSH A KID OUT THAT IS REFUSING TO- AAAHHHH!!!" yelled Kushina as she crushed Minatos hand.

Minato did his best and ignored the pain and looked at his mom "is everything going ok Ka-chan" asked Minato.

"Yes everything is going okay now come on Kushina just a couple more pushes I can see the head" said Tsunade.

"AHHH!!" Screamed Kushina pushing again.

"I'm quiet glad I'm only made out of chakra right now" said Kurama with a chuckle.

"Shut it Kyuubi" thought Kushina annoyed at the fox.

"Alright fine let me know when the sealing is done so I can accelerate your healing" said Kurama laying back down on his paws.

Years ago after the Kumo incident with Kushina almost being captured her and the Kyuubi established a rocky relationship. The Kyuubi hated being sealed but grew to respect the Uzumaki's because they valued the same things his father did. The Kyuubi had enough respect to try and not break out of the seal mainly because he could still sense Madara somewhere in the world. He'd rather be sealed and have some form of freedom then just be used as a mindless weapon against his will. Plus the Uzumaki's didn't view the tailed beasts as mindless monsters they viewed them as misunderstood creatures.

"Okay Kushina one more push and PUSH!!" Said Tsunade as Kushina screamed one last time then the sounds of a baby crying were heard.

"It's a healthy baby boy" said Tsunade as she quickly cleaned him up and handed him to Kushina.

"Naruto..." Said Kushina as she held him and gently ran her hand over his face.

"Haha look at that he has your hair color but my style" said Minato pointing at the spikey red hair. "Okay I have to fix the seal because it looks to be damaged" Minato raised his hand to the seal and was about to fix it.

"Okay hand me the baby so I can make sure he's nice and healthy" said Biwako as she gently took Naruto and went to make sure nothing was wrong.

"KUSHINA LOOK OUT!!!" Screamed Kurama because he sensed some evil chakra.

Kushina looked up and saw a masked man holding Naruto in one hand and in the other a bloody kunai that just slitted Biwako's throat.

"MADARAAAAA!!!!!" Screamed Kurama enraged at sensing his foul chakra again but noticing that it also felt different.

"Let the Jinchūriki go or your baby dies" said the masked man holding a kunai to Naruto.

"Okay just calm down" said Minato trying to delay the situation so he can come up with a plan.

"Oh I am perfectly calm but it seems in order to get what I want I'll have to kill this boy. How tragic only a minute old as well" said the man as he threw Naruto in the air and went to stab him.

"NARUTO!!" Yelled Kushina is horror, Minato reacted immediately and threw one of his kunai and quickly caught Naruto.

"You truly live up to your name fourth Hokage" said the masked man.

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