One More Chance.. Part 3

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I watched as Louis and Eleanor got ready for their "date."

Louis was constantly checking his phone, and Eleanor just kept scanning the room, like they were going on a mission or something.

"How do you think he'll react when he finds out?" Eleanor asked.

"I don't know.. he'll probably hate me for life." Louis responded.

"Are you sure about this? Harry's temper can get out of control sometimes.. if he finds out you're going to see her, and not tell him.. he might snap." She told him.

I clenched my fist as I walked back into my room.

Why the hell would Louis hide something from me?! Who is "her?" and what are they not telling me?!

My eyes flickered to the photo on my desk. It was taken on (Y/N) and I's 1st anniversary. I decided to be cheeky, and stole a kiss right when the camera went off. I remembered that day like it only happened moments ago. I remembered how I felt when my lips touched her skin, when my her hands came in contact with my cheek. For the past 2 years, I regretted it. I regret kissing that girl just to win a stupid bet, I regret getting too caught up into the kiss, I regret seeing the love of my life's expression when she caught me. But all those seem to be little things, compared to loosing her love. Without her, the days just go by so slowly... like there's no happiness left in the world.

When I heard the front door close, I didn't think twice. My legs carried me to my range rover. Before I knew it, I was following Louis's car to their destination.

I watched as (Y/N) and a little girl walked into the shop. She looked so broken.. the bags under her eyes, the dullness of her hair, and how pale she's become. The sight of her broke my heart, knowing I was the one that caused her so much pain.

I glanced at the little girl next to her. She had curly brown hair, green eyes, and dimples.. similar to mine.

Once they disappeared into the shop, I got out of the car and followed them. Just as I was about to walk in, I saw Louis and Eleanor giving them hugs. My blood boiled as I watched Louis kiss the little girl on the cheek, and saying something that made her laugh. He then pulled (Y/N) into a hug. Jealously washed over me.. but I should know better than to be angry with them.

We broke up.. she's free to do anything now. But I was hurt... hurt that my best mate didn't tell me he still had contact with the girl of my dreams...hurt that she went to him instead of me... hurt that she probably moved on, and forgot I even existed. However, I couldn't contain my anger.. I waited until (Y/N) went into the bathroom, before storming inside.



After washing your hands, you started to walk back outside when you heard a familiar husky voice .

Your heart jumped when you heard someone grunt. You swung the door opened and saw Louis trying to push Harry away.

"What are you doing?!" You exclaimed as you attempted to pull them apart.

"YOU LIED TO ME!" Harry yelled, ignoring your presence.

You gasped as Harry's fist aviated up to Louis's jaw, but he dodged it, and he ended up hitting the wall.

"I'm sorry sir, but fighting is not allowed in the shop, I'm going to have to ask all of you to leave." The manager's voice appeared.

You shot him an apologetic look before picking Darcy up, and walking out.

"(Y/N), stop right there."

You turned around, revealing the boy that broke your heart.. his eyes were filled with sorrow as he starred at you.

You took a moment to study his figure. His mop of curls were messily plastered all over his head, he had bags under his eyes, and his cheeks were pale, with the absence of his usual glow.

"I have nothing to say to you."

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