One More Chance.. Part 5

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"HARRY!" Niall yelled.

"Oh my gosh." I exclaimed as I got out my car.

"Sir! Are you alright?"  The taxi man asked.

"Harry!" Zayn clamored as he crouched down next to the curly haired lad.

"Harry are you okay?!"

"Answer us please!"

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I studied his figure.

"CALL THE AMBULANCE!" Niall yelled.

Harry's forehead was split opened, his lip was cut, and had blood trickling down his temple. His arms and legs were both bleeding as well.

I fished out my phone and dialed Louis's number. It rang twice before he answered.


I flinched a little at his volume.

"Are you okay mate?"  I asked.

"Sorry Liam.. what's up?"

"Harry got in a car accident."


It's been 3 days since you last saw Harry, and Louis. 3 days since you've left the house. For the past few days the only thing on your mind was the way Harry spoke to you. His voice was filled with anger, but with traces of regret. It frightened guys have been together for 3 years, and he never acted that way before. It made you worried that he'd do something stupid...

Now you wonder... did you make the right choice? Was it worth it, just to let our love go?.. without fighting for it. you felt like you just gave up part of your life..

When you snapped out of my thoughts, you realized your eyes were glued to the picture of you and Harry's 1st anniversary. A small smile tugged on your lips as the image flew back into your mind.


"Photo-booth!" you squealed as you dragged your curly haired boyfriend behind the curtains.

He chuckled and started messing with the camera.

"Alright.. smile."

you put on my best smile as the camera went off.

The next picture was the two of you making goofy faces. Then you were on his lap with your tongue out.

you prepared yourself for the last picture. Just as the camera flickered, you felt a warm pair of lips against your cheek .you turned to my boyfriend who had a cheeky smile plastered on his flawless face, exposing his adorable dimples.

the two of you locked gazes as you leaned in for a kiss. As soon as your lips touched the curtains swung open.

"Uh... i'm sorry.. I thought" A little girl stuttered.

you smiled and climbed out with Harry.

The little girl starred at the two of you before realization hit her.

"Oh my gosh! are you Harry Styles?!"

Harry grinned and nodded.

"Can I please have an autograph?"

Once again Harry nodded. She handed him a little notebook and he quickly scribbled down his signature.

"I love you!" She squealed.

He chuckled and embraced her in a hug.

Finally, she peeled herself away from Harry and ran back to her mom.

You watched as she jumped up and down in excitement.

"(Y/N)?" Harry asked, snapping you out of your trance.

"What's wrong?"

You smiled and shook your head.

"It's amazing how happy you can make someone." You told him.
He smiled at the ground and returned his gaze back to you.

"I'm glad I can make you happy.. because you make me happy."
He whispered before closing the distance between the two of you.

-end of flashback-

You sighed and slumped back in your seat when something else caught your eye.

The magazine.


HEADLINE: One Direction's Harry Styles found in a wrecked car.

"Harry Styles was found in a wrecked car shortly after he exited the club. "

Before I could continue reading, I was interrupted by the nurse.

"Mr.Styles, someone is here to see you." She informed.

"Thanks." I replied, not making eye contact with her.

I heard light footsteps before I felt the bed dip.

My head slowly move up, revealing the girl I was deeply in love with.

"(Y/N)..." I whispered.

She didn't reply. She just ran her fingers through my bandages with a blank expression on her face. I closed my eyes as I felt her fingertips on my skin.
A couple minutes later, I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"Harry..." She croaked.

I shook my head and pulled her closer to me. She let out a small sob and pushed me away.


It seemed like she was yelling at herself more than me, but either way.. I didn't know how to respond to her sudden outburst.

"(Y/N), I'm really sorry..." I whispered.


You fell to your knees as you continued to sob. You didn't know where your sudden outburst came from, but screaming at him seem to lift a weight off your shoulders.

"(Y/N) please talk to me."

"I don't know what to say...." You replied.

"Then don't talk.. let me talk."

You lifted your head to meet his gaze. He gave you a reassuring nod before gesturing you to sit next to him. You sat down and started fiddling with your fingers.

Harry lifted your chin up with his index finger.

 "(Y/N)... please let me explain." He whispered.

You nodded slightly.

He smiled and intertwined your fingers.

"I'm sorry..... I know I hurt you.... it was my fault that our relationship ended... it was my fault that you had to raise Darcy alone, it was my fault that your heart broke...I never meant for that to happen... I made the biggest mistake of my life.." He paused, so you can soak in his words.

"When I saw you again, everything felt perfect... like nothing could go wrong. I realized I really need you in my life, and I will break if you leave me... for the past two years, I've been regretting every moment of my life. I told myself I didn't deseve to live, because I hurt an amazing girl like you. "

"Harry... " You whispered as a tear rolled down your cheek.

"(Y/N), I really love you, and I honestly won't live to see another day if I can't be with you... can you please give me one more chance to make things right?" He finished.
You watched as Harry cupped your cheek. You closed your eyes and placed your hand on top of his.

"I promise I'll mend your broken heart.. and never break it again."

"Harry... I don't know." You whispered.

"Then maybe this will change your mind."

Before you can register what he said, a pair of warm lips came in contact with your own. You felt it... you felt the spark, the butterflies, the love. You can tell Harry is pouring all his emotions into the kiss, trying to show you that he meant every word he said. You smiled against his lips and kissed him back passionately.

5 minutes later, you guys broke apart.

"So is that a yes?"  He asked.

You simply nodded before closing the distance again.
epilogue: you guys got back together for a couple more years, then got married. After your marriage, you lived in Paris with Darcy and your new baby boy Jason. Harry continued to tour the world, and would often come back to visits. You guys spent as much time as you can together because you won't know what will happen the next day. When you guys grew old, you moved into a small condo and spent every possible minute together. Life has been amazing since Harry came back. He changed everything and proved to you that he really loved you, and would be willing to do anything for you.
Before your death, you looked up at the man you love, and mentally thanked him for making you the happiest woman alive.


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