Solo adventure of 2

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Y/n was in a dark room next to a poker table with venom in their controlled form. Y/n was in his boxers and venom just looked smugly.

Venom: Now I get your boxers.

Y/n: Ugh you win ok? What else could I even remove.

Suddenly venoms eyes became a deep red and a sharp toothy smile appeared

Venom:........Your skin

Suddenly y/n woke up from the couch in a cold sweat.

Y/n: I'm gonna kill you if you do that again.

Venom: Fair enough.

Y/n got up and realized everyone was asleep. He then put on his shoes and left a note saying they went to look around. He exited the door and began walking through the forest.

A few minutes passed and Y/n had finally gotten out of the forest. He looked through the busy street and saw many things. Like a man with a lock for a face selling flyers on a band called "Destroy The Falls". Some weird triangle guy is the lead singer. He also saw a the little ginger kid who was part of the gang luz saved.

He went to say hi but then saw a guard walking up to her.

Y/n:'Ah crab baskets'

Y/n went back into the woods and whispered to venom

Y/n: mask

Venom: Copy

The two transformed into their form and jumped out the woods

Guard: Youre coming with me brat

Tiny nose(her actual name): Nevaaa! We will not bwe swilenced!

Guard: Ha! Did you really think we'd never find you guys again?! Why don't you tell me another joke

Venom landed behind him with a loud thud

Venom: You hear about the guard kidnapping the ginger child?

The guard froze up. He didn't dare to turn or move in anyway. He then asked

Guard: N-n-no.......

Venom then grabbed his shoulder.

Venom: Yeah..... Nobody heard from him again.

The guard ran away screaming and venom gave a satisfied " hmf" sound.

Tiny nose: H-hewo.

Venom then leaned down to the child

Venom: Hi there little one. Are you ok?

The girl nodded and venom patted her head.

Venom: Good.

The girl then looked up and asked

Tiny nose: Are you fwom a diffewent dimension?

Venom looked at the kid with wide eyes for a second before calming down. He then got closer and whispered to the girl.

Venom: Yep. Youre pretty smart for your age. Now get going to school little miss

The girl smiled widely and ran off to her school

Venom smiled but nobody could tell and jumped off into an ally way.

Y/n: 'That was so cool! We totally freaked that dude out! High five.'

A black tendril came out and the end of it became a hand and they high fived. Y/n walked out the ally and was walking around the place. While he was walking he bumped into someone running and both of them fell down.

??: Oof!

Y/n sat up and rubbed his head. He then looked up angrily to see who knocked into him

 He then looked up angrily to see who knocked into him

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???: Haha. Seems like someone fell for me. You ok?

Y/n then does the first thing that comes to his mind

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Y/n then does the first thing that comes to his mind


Y/n then dashes off leaving the very confused girl holding out her hand.

Later on at the forest, Y/n is bashing his head against a tree and venom is making sure he doesn't crack his skull.

Y/n: I did the dumbest thing in the history of man kind *Slam*. A nice girl offers to help me up and I *Slam* run away without saying a word*Slam* *Slam* *slam slam* i deserve to die.

In the distance he can see luz walking up with king and a bag of potions.

Y/n: Hey kiddo. What're you guys doing?

King: Just selling some potions for Eda.

Luz: Then she's gonna teach me magic!!!!

Y/n smiled and pat his sisters head.

Y/n: That's great kid! Well king, keep her safe. I need to lie down for a while.

Luz:..... You embarrassed yourself in front of a girl didn't yo-


Y/n then speedily walks off as the two giggle behind him.

Y/n enters the apartment and sees  Eda drinking some yellow potion thing.

Y/n: Yo.

Eda gulps the potion down and looks at y/n

Eda:....... Oh you're the kid with the other kid.

Y/n:..... Yeah I'm luz's brother. Glad you could remember till yesterday

Eda: Alright Mr. Soursite, get it? Cause youre sour and have a parasite?

Y/n&Venom: Ha ha ha.

Eda: Ahh im too good. So why are you back so soon?

Y/n suddenly blushed

Y/n: No reason!

Venom: Hahahahahaha!

Y/n: Shut up!

Y/n went to the couch and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow

Eda: So that's where my knock out pillow was

Venomus Spell (Owl House Venom Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now