14th World

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(Hey Guys So My Work had to be Closed for 14 days do to someone being tested Positive for covid so I can Make more Chapters until the 14 days are up so I decided to do a Izuku-verse)


Izuku: Jinzo


Jinzo: Yes Izuku


Izuku: You look different


Jinzo: Oh you mean how my I am taller right


Izuku: Yes


Jinzo: Well that is because I just became a Higher Level God

Ibara: Gods can became Higher Level Gods

Jinzo: Yes you see some Gods can well lets say evolve into a More Powerful Form

Nezu: So your true form is Different Now

Jinzo Yes it is want to see

Everyone was a Little nervous but agreed

Jinzo: Ok here is my New True Form

Everyone was shacking do to My New Form

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Everyone was shacking do to My New Form

Jinzo: This is my Evolved Form, My new Title Is JINZO LORD

Izuku: Do you have new Powers

Jinzo: Sadly


I turn back to my Human form

Jinzo: Now what is ta-

Loa- Multiverse Found Loading Title

Jizno: Oh Nevermind

Captain America Izuku


inzo: Nice Captain America Izuku

Melissa: Wait Izuku is America in still

Jinzo: Yes and lets just say his ass is America's Ass

Everyone: Wait What

Jinzo: Nothing anyway let me give you the Info, So Izuku was a Kid from Brooklyn during World War 2, that wanted to fight for his Country with any means

AM: Really

Jinzo: Yes anyway he was Weak, Skinny and sick but he still wanted to give his life to save Others

Momo: Sounds like my Darling

The girls that love him Give Momo the Death Stare but also Agree

Izuku-verseWhere stories live. Discover now