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No one's POV

Haru wants to cook only the best meals for Yesung so it means she needs to buy the best and fresh ingredients. She asked Heechul where are some good markets and early in the morning they left the house.

Siwon is still asleep, but Yesung is awake. Heechul woke him up when he was in the bathroom and now the little one starts to whine. He is lonely and wants to be with his grandma. Yesung's crying is whiny and loud so Siwon is awake in the matter of seconds. He picks him up and bounces him in his arms until Yesung stopped crying. Then he goes downstairs and opens the door leading on the terrace. The weather is warm, so he sat Yesung in one armchair and went to grab a yogurt and spoon. Yesung happily clapped his hands after seeing his favorite treat and Siwon starts to feed him. Siwon scoops a bit of the yogurt and brings it to Yesung's mouth. He doesn't scrape it against his upper lip, but waits until Yesung closes his lips around the spoon and then removes it. Yesung is satisfied and wriggles his toes. The warm breeze is tickling his sensitive skin and his daddy's hand resting on his thigh is warm. After breakfast Siwon let him to run to the sandbox and Yesung starts to play. Siwon drinks coffee and watches him from the terrace to make sure he isn't coming too near to the pool. He has no idea that another danger is waiting for them.

Hornets built a nest on the tree right above the sandbox. Suddenly one hornet fell down and landed right on Yesung's shoulder. The little one felt something falling at him and shakes his arms to get rid of it. It made the hornet even angrier and it stings Yesung in his thin arm. Of course he immediately starts screaming and crying and Siwon runs to save him. He cursed after seeing the hornet and grabs his baby. The hornet managed to sting Yesung again and adds two more stings to Siwon who ran in the house and closed every window. He is rapidly breathing and quickly examines Yesung's arm. The area around the stings is swollen and red and Siwon quickly gets an ice pack. Yesung is crying and whimpering in pain, but now it is Siwon's turn to treat his stings. His baby is still crying and Bugsy with Heebum curiously watch them.

Heechul and Haru don't understand it. They left Siwon and Yesung peacefully sleeping and now the house is filled with crying. They run to find out what happened and Siwon explained that a hornet attacked them. Heechul quickly picks his baby up and exams his small arm while Haru goes to call someone to get rid of the nest full of ugly hornets.

Heechul strokes Yesung's hair and grabs a tissue to clean his face covered with snots and tears.

"I know a medicine which will help - ice cream."

Heechul opened the refrigerator and takes Ben&Jerry's bar with fudge brownies. Yesung calms down and eats the bar while sniffling and clinging to his mommy. On the other hand Siwon isn't feeling good. His mouth is swelling and he has difficulty breathing. When Heechul spotted that his husband isn't looking good, he quickly got him in car and told Haru to take care of Yesung while he takes Siwon to a hospital.

Haru is shocked when Siwon and Heechul left in a big hurry and she is alone with the baby. Yesung finished his ice cream, chocolate smeared around his mouth and he looks at Haru who silently panics. Yesung looks at the swollen stings and wants to touch it, but his grandma quickly stops him and holds a fresh ice pack on his arm. The hornets are gone, a professional got rid of them, but Haru doesn't want to let him go outside. She is closely watching the little one if he isn't feeling sick, Siwon is much stronger and he had to rush in a hospital so she is scared that soon Yesung will also feel much worse. For now he is doing fine, but feels clingy. Haru is shocked when Yesung opens his arms and makes grabby hands toward her. She doesn't know what to do, but Yesung looks like he is going to cry soon. Haru is strong, but she isn't strong if she can pick him up. However, she needs to try it.

"Come here little one."

She grabs him under armpits and huffs in surprise because Yesung is really light. She holds him on her hip and smiles. Yesung wraps his arms around her neck and sniffles because he is starting to miss his mommy. Haru strokes his hair out of his adorable face and kisses his cheeks.

"What about a sandwich?"

Yesung nods and Haru prepares him a sandwich with ham, cheese and salad and then she turns the TV on. Haru knows Yesung's schedule. Heechul doesn't want him to watch too much TV and especially not before sleeping so Yesung can watch the TV one hour during morning. In afternoon he can watch the TV two hours maximum and definitely not after 19 (7 p.m.). Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to sleep, his bedtime is at 21 (9 p.m.). Every evening is same, they eat dinner at 19 (7 p.m.), then comes bath time, cuddle time and bottle of milk or formula and at 21 (9 p.m.) Yesung is lying in his crib.

Yesung is watching cartoons and Haru goes to prepare lunch. She decided to cook bibimbap and waits for her son to arrive back home. Siwon is feeling much better after a doctor helped him and he is ready to go home. He is tired, so right after they arrived, he goes upstairs to take a nap and doesn't bother with lunch. Heechul, Haru and Yesung eat and then Heechul takes Yesung to take a nap with Siwon. He tucks him in the bed right next to his daddy and silently leaves to spend more precious time with his mom while his two loves are sleeping.

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