Pt 5 Chapter 7 - A chance, maybe

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Y/n's POV

Bruce and Rocket went off as soon as possible to try and convince our grieving asgardian that he was still worthy enough to be an avenger. And also get him to help us because we certainly needed all the help we could get.

We hadn't heard from the God for quite some time but we knew he took residence in a small coastal village full of the remaining Asgardian refugees. New Asgard was said to be their second chance but I don't really know if they believed the quaint fishing town was anything to compare to their life in the grand golden light of Asgard.

I left Scott on babysitting duty and went inside to join the others as work immediately started towards the impossible. Everyone was saying hello and hugging but it was short lived as Tony cut straight to the point by pulling up a diagram. I saw Rhodey pull Nat aside so I jogged over to join them. Rhodey glanced over my shoulder to make sure the others weren't listening.

"I think I know where Barton is. But you've got to be prepared for what he's become." He sighed.

"I don't judge people on their worst mistakes James. If you just give me the cords we can bring him home and help him. He's lost himself. I know how that feels and you just need someone there to pull you out of the darkness." Nat spoke back quietly.

"Which is exactly why I was about to give you the coords." Rhodey told us. Nat's eyes filled with subtle tears. Rhodey handed us a slip of paper.

"Take a quinjet, you can land here. He's not far from there. I got a report this morning of a similar pattern.

"Where is this?" I asked.


"I see."

"You get a day max, he's good at hiding." Rhodey warned us.

"His hiding isn't as good as my seeking, he'll be home in no time." Nat nodded and set off to get what she needed and left me standing awkwardly with Rhodey. I gave him an appreciative nod.

"Thank you." I smiled before I jogged outside. Haz and Scott were playing on the grass, he was great with her.

"Hey Scott. Can you please watch her until we get back. I don;t know how long we'll be but Nat and I have to go pick up our final member. Haz be good!" I called. They both gave me the thumbs up and I ran back inside. I met Nat at the quinjet and we took off immediately. It would take us a few hours to get there. I could see the worry on Natasha's face.

"Don't worry Darling. He'll be ok." I rubbed her shoulder reassuringly.

We flew there, talking every now and then or just listening to some quiet music. Finally we arrived. Nat was pale, paler than usual from her nerves.

It was dark. The rain came down with a force strong enough to sting soft cheeks. We had parked on the roof of an old factory. There was very little light to guide us through the neglected area of the city. As we finally managed to hit a civilised street my eyes caught neon signs and foggy windows.

We strode along the streets, using my phone to get to the coordinates Rhodey had been sent that afternoon, the place Barton had last been spotted. The report was merely hours before so there was still hope he would be close enough to find.

I walked close beside Nat, my leather jacket wrapped tight around my body but it did not help the fact that my jeans had already soaked through. A musty and damp smell hung in the air and it felt as if it clung to every home we passed. The streets got dingier and less inviting until we were in the roughest part of the area.

As we got closer to the coordinates which were approaching half a mile to our right, we heard gun shots off to the left up a side alley. Nat grapsed my wrist and rushed in the direction the echo had come from. The area was deserted apart from the odd hooded figure and ourselves who seemed to be too brightly dressed for the shadowed allies.. We strode up the street until it opened up onto another. It was bigger, with shops and brightly coloured led signs. We looked down the street to see several bodies on the floor, lifeless and soaked in the downpour. I followed Nat's gaze even further up the street in time to catch flashes of gun fire.

"I think we're in the right place." Nat sighed, looking down at an arrow in a body just in front of us as we crept up the street. Two figures dressed in black burst out the window of one of the buildings and began to fight using Katana. We watched in shock as the hooded figure struck his sword across the neck of the other man. They fell to the ground, clutching at they're neck. They fell onto their knees and then onto their back. The hood figure with their back to use raised their sword and sunk the blade into the flesh of the bleeding man. He pulled the blade back out and wiped away the blood in the crook of his elbow before staring down at the dead man. I stood open- mouthed at the scene in front of us. Nat and I walked forwards until we were a hundred yards from the hooded person. I stood a little behind Nat as she watched the man lower his hood and pull off his mask.

"You shouldn't be here." I heard him say in a shaky voice, his back still turned to us. .

"Neither should you." Natasha replied slowly. The man turned, as I had assumed, it was Clint. He looked tired and battered. Its was as if the light in his eyes had been gone for quite some time and showed little sign of returning. His face bore no smile, or relief to see us but simply stayed in an expression of emptiness and loss.

"I've got a job to do." He said firmly. Throwing his mask to the floor. He looked almost sad as he continued to gaze at us.

"Is that what you're calling this?" Killing all these people isn't gonna bring your family back." She told him. The rain ran off his face as he turned to look at her. "We found something. A chance, maybe." She stepped closer to him.

"Don't." He sighed, looking desperately at Natasha.

"Don't what?"

"Don't give me hope." He said, looking into her eyes, his own filled with tears.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner." I could tell by her voice that she was nearly crying. She reached out a hand and slowly took hold of Clint's. "Come home." She said to him and he nodded slowly. He looked back at the mess he had made but followed us back to the quinjet.  

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