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Elsa's eyes snapped open. She felt something warm and wet drip onto her cheek and trickle down to the corner of her mouth as she struggled to get her bearings. She was on her side and could see broken glass and twisted metal. Her left shoulder felt excruciatingly painful and she couldn't move. She felt the warm drip again, tasted salt in her mouth and looked up to her right. Kate was above her, head lolling down towards her, blonde hair matted with blood which dripped steadily onto Elsa's face. Suddenly everything flew into sharp focus and Elsa remembered exactly what had happened. She could smell petrol and knew they had to get out of the car.

“Kate?” there was no answer from her friend as Elsa struggled to release her seat belt, no longer aware of the pain in her shoulder. Grant was still in the drivers seat, silent and unmoving. The seat belt would not release and Elsa pulled it as hard as she could until it finally gave way and she slumped to the side of the car, the glass of the broken window crunching underneath her.

Kate gave a groan and Elsa struggled to her feet, “Kate, it's okay,” she said, not at all believing her own words. Kate had a deep wound that was oozing thick, dark blood from her head. Elsa felt suddenly dizzy, the heavy, sickly smell of petrol was so strong and she knew they were in real danger as she felt heat and saw the orange glow of flame.  Later, in the hospital, she would be unable to explain what happened next, she wasn't even sure she could remember. All she knew was that when the flashing blue lights arrived, she was lying exhausted at the side of the road with Kate and Grant lying unconscious beside her and the car was engulfed in flames.

“You,” said the doctor, peering over his glasses at her with a warm smile, “Are a very lucky young lady.” He turned to Elsa's father, “Other than bruising from the seat belt there's no damage, she'll be absolutely fine Mr Shaw, just keep a close eye on her for the next 24 hours.”

Marcus Shaw put his arms round his daughter and pulled her close. “Thank god,” he said, “And her friends?”

“Cuts and bruises, a couple of broken bones, nothing that won't heal given time.”

“How did you all get out of the car?” Marcus asked his daughter.

“I don't know,” she said, “I really can't remember.”

“Well, let's just be glad you did.” his voice cracked and Elsa hugged him tight, knowing what he was thinking. She looked to the doctor then, “Can I see my friends?”

"The young man is in surgery at the moment but your friend Kate is with her parents on ward 5, you can see her if you like but she's a bit groggy.” Elsa nodded

“I'll come with you,” her father said, “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

“Dad really, I'm okay,” Elsa said smiling, “I'll just pop in for a few minutes, you wait in reception, get a drink or something. I don't think we should crowd Kate with visitors.”

Marcus looked at his daughter and eventually smiled himself, “Ok,” he said, “But if you're not there to meet me in 15 minutes, I'm coming back to find you."

“Deal.” Elsa hopped off the hospital trolley and gave her father a quick kiss before walking out into the hallway.

Once out of Marcus’ sight she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, leaning for a moment against the wall. There was a strange smell in the air of the casualty ward and it was making her feel nauseous but she dare not tell the doctors, she wanted to get out of here, away from the smell and back to her own bed and she wasn't going to give them any excuse to keep her in. She crinkled her nose and was trying to decide what the smell reminded her of when she thought she heard Kate's voice drifting up the hallway. Elsa shook her head to herself, it obviously wasn't Kate's voice, she was already on a ward. She set off in search of Ward 5, remembering her father's request that she wasn't gone long.

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