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A mysterious gargoyle monster named Havorian called his first monster named Raidoomer.

" You called me master." Raidoomer said.

" I want you to create a pollution in the middle of the forest." Havorian said.

" I'm on my way." Raidoomer said as he teleported.

At the forest, Raidoomer has arrived and brought a group of Chronites to guard the perimeters.

" Guard the surrounding areas." Raidoomer said.

The Chronites were now scattered in the area.

Meanwhile, back at Arthur's home, Arthur is cleaning his motorcycle as David painted his garage brick red.

" Why did you chose brick red color of the garage?" David asked.

" Because that's my favorite color." Arthur said. " That is how I wear brick red plain t-shirt."

" I thought you might like  to prefer other colors that you put it on your home." David said.

" At my house is already painted with red, pink and blue." Arthur said. " You already know that my two cousins are the Blue Mystic Ranger and Pink Mystic Ranger. Because my hometown is Briarwood before I move here to Silver Side Town which locates in between Angel Grove and Stone Canyon. I wanna thanked Billy for giving us a credit for creating our morphers."

" Have you seen Alex, Yoko and Sheila?" David asked.

" They're out of town, hiking." Arthur said.

Meanwhile, at the forest, Yoko, Sheila and Alex were hiking in the forest until they stumbled on a group of Chronites.

" What are these things?"  Yoko said.

" We have to morphed because they're trying to attacked us." Alex said.

Yoko, Alex and Sheila were about to morphed.

' It's Ranger Time: Prism Power Unleashed!' Yoko, Alex and Sheila were both said.

Yoko morphed into Prism Knight Yellow.

Alex morphed into Prism Knight Green.

Sheila morphed into Prism Knight Blue.

Yoko, Alex and Sheila draw their respective Prism Sabers and starts fighting off the Chronites.

" These are Chronites according to my morpher's data." Prism Knight Blue said. " They're just like the Tengus."

" They're robotic footsoldiers." Prism Knight Green said.

" Looks like we have no other choice but to fight them." Prism Knight Yellow said.

Alex, Yoko and Sheila were started fighting the Chronites.

At the other side of the forested area, a female Prism Knight Crimson stood beside Havorian, who is actually a supervillain alien.

" Looks like you found yourselves a perfect opponent." Havorian said.

" Maybe. But I prefer the Red Ranger." Prism Knight Crimson said. " But I looked forward to fight them in a right time and place."

" Just watched their ranger battle." Prism Knight Crimson said. " You might learned something."

" Sure thing." Prism Knight Crimson said.

" Their red ranger is your brother." Havorian said. " Would you wanted to fight your brother in some other battles?"

" In the right time and place." Prism Knight Crimson said. " I'll fight him if only I wanted to with no holding back or retreat."

Meanwhile, David finished painting Arthur's garage.

" Perfect David." Arthur said. " I will never call you weird again."

" I heard that you have a sister." David said.

" Her name is Carmela. But she disappeared about a year ago." Arthur said. " I still have no idea what happened to her not even my cousins Madison and Vida are aware of this."

" Sorry about that. I was too much to asking you." David said.

" Don't worry dude. It's fine." Arthur said.

Power Rangers Prism Knights (2021) 2: Lurking Behind the ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now