Sign 3 Underwater Fears

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Skyler stood on a motorboat, looking down into the ocean. It was midday. Edgar lay beside him with a rope in his hand, applying sunblock on his body, "You've been pretty active these days. Is your narcolepsy getting better?" Edgar asked.
"Did you smoke a joint? Narcolepsy doesn't have a cure, you idiot," Skyler wore a pair of goggles and a scuba diving mouthpiece.
"Yeah, I'm an idiot. But at least I'm not fucking stupid!" Edgar got up, "So, what do we do of the rope?"
"Tie me up,"

 "Bro, are we flirting or  is bro thing?"
"That's about the gayest thing you've ever said," Skyler looked into his eyes.
"Mate, I'm like super straight...Unless gay means happy, damn, even then I'm not gay,"
'Why did I bring him?' Skyler narrowed his eyes, "Edgar, I want to get this done before I start falling asleep again,"
"What are we even doing?"
Skyler wrapped the rope around his waist, "Just trust my gut,"

"Only boys with dyed green hair and long legs can say that," Edgar fastened the rope and without further ado, Skyler jumped into the water. 
"...What is wrong with both my friends? Damn, I must be high IQ,"   

Skyler swam his way down, nearing the kelps while Edgar held the end of the long rope. As Skyler moved further and further down, it turned pitch black, and suddenly something hit him. A rock of some sort. He moved his hands ahead and felt it. It didn't feel like a rock, it felt more like...

A wall.

Was this some sunken ship? 

He scratched off some algae from the wall and kept it between his fist, he decided to travel further down. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise of something falling and hitting a metallic surface. It was a horrifying feeling, more horrifying when he realised he was the only creature in that dark pit. The sound of moving water, clanging chains, probably anchors of sunken ships, creaks of the rusty iron stuck between two rocks for eternity. 

He shouldn't be feeling his cold horror. He grew up beside the ocean, among the waves. It couldn't scare him. But soon, as rationality faded and appeared again, he realised it was not the fishes, the waves, nor the ships. It was the nothingness, the emptiness of the ocean that was terrifying. His feet touched a seaweed and he shrieked but that emptiness couldn't be broken by a voice underneath. He couldn't yell for help, the thoughts of something lurking underneath him covered his hair, but that wasn't the scariest part,

It was the view he saw underneath him. He couldn't see anything beneath his white feet, it was all black. He couldn't see the bottom at all, it seemed endless, yet it felt as if everything was closing in on him. What happened to him those four days? Where was he? He couldn't remember anything. Four days were missing from his life. And he was here to find out why, until, he started falling asleep 'Shit. I'm...sleepy...'

He tried to tug at the rope but everything turned double and dizzy. Everything was spinning around, like the kind of high you'd get at teenage parties.  He yelled for help, but he just couldn't hear his voice underwater! He was going down peacefully, and unknowingly he dived down so deep his eardrums burst. The pain took over his slumber and if there was anything worse than the emptiness of the ocean, it was the sense of dying in excruciating pain in the middle of it.

He desperately swam up, hitting his foot on a pointy rock, that pierced his skin and a red, narrow whiff of blood rose up from his foot to his head, appearing like a long snake, or some magnified microorganism. At this point, Skyler was crying desperately. Unable to yell, pulling frantically at his last ray of hope, but the rope slowly pulled down until he reached the other end of the rope.

And soon, Edgar's dead body fell into the ocean, half of his face was skinned. Though he knew it was probably another one of his narcoleptic hallucinations, it was too strong and too real. Skyler yelled and this time, he heard his own scream, echoing back at him from the depths of the ocean. He screamed and screamed and screamed until he woke up and looked at Edgar's face, he was saying something but he couldn't hear it. 

His ears were hurting and a constant buzzing was starting to cover his head. As he touched them, he saw blood on his fingers.
"Skyler!" He finally heard Edgar, but he sounded as if he was speaking far away and there was a lot of echoes, he turned back and saw his bareback, driving them out of the ocean "Don't die on me!"
Skyler looked at the rope kept beside him on the boat, and soon, he was sleeping with his head pressed on it. Once he woke up, he was on his bed. Edgar sat beside him, looking at a huge aquarium right across his room, in the family room.

"Did you pull me up?" Skyler asked. 
"HOLY GUACAMOLE! You scared me!" Edgar turned towards him, "Nigga, what happened under there? The doctor told you have burst your fucking eardrum. Did you...Did you see a shark?"
He could hear his voice, but it was still muffled and there was a constant buzz in his ear.
"Edgar, I wouldn't be here if it were a shark,"
"A whale then?"

Skyler sighed, "I guess I dove in too deep. The water pressure did it," Skyler remembered the feeling of emptiness he felt in the ocean and that wall. Was that a hallucination? He looked at his hand, there was still some algae stuck between his fingernails. Well, then that certainly was not a hallucination. There was probably some old ship under there? But, he wasn't that deep into the ocean to reaching something on the ocean floor, was he? The rope wasn't that long. Unless it was something stuck between time-space. Was that even possible? Maybe-

Edgar looked at Skyler's tensed expression, "Skyler," He distracted Skyler's intense mental debate. He expected something good enough to distract him, 

"Don't worry, mate. Even if you disabled, your face still hot, my nigga,"
"Cum on it then, you whore,"
"Tch!" Skyler looked away, "I forgot what I was thinking, dumbass,"
"Well, if you forgot about it, it was probably something not that important,"

"I found something down there?" Skyler said.
"What did you find?"
"A ship...of some sort. I couldn't see it, it was too dark for me to make out what it was. It was just a huge structure, that seemed to run across miles,"
"Yo, we should totally go there again," Edgar seemed excited, "Who knows? Maybe we find some hidden treasure in there? I'm gonna make myself a whore house, you can be the pimp,"

"GUYS!" Cyril opened the door, and they looked at him, "I'M A WOMAN AGAIN!"
"AW HELL YEAH, BABY!" Edgar screamed, "He did it for me. My man  wore them shoes again,"
"No, I didn't wear them," Cyril interrupted him, "Frankly, I dodn't know what happened. I was running and then suddenly, I felt this strong chill down my spine and before I knew it, my clothes were falling off and I was biologically a female again," Cyril said.

Skyler looked at Cyril, "Told you it's not the shoes"
"Then, what is it?"
"I don't know, I don't care. I'm investigating something else for now," Skyler said.
"We're deciding on a whore house,"

Cyril looked down at Skyler, "I never said I'm in,"
"Don't worry, you can be a whore there. My personal whore,"
"We found something in the ocean," Skyler looked into Cyril's ocean green eyes, it reminded him of the horror he had witnessed a while back. It made him uncomfortable enough to look away, "Your eyes changed colours again," He mumbled. 

"Really? What did you find?" Cyril asked.
"A ship...Maybe,"

-To be continued

-To be continued

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Glizzly Westburg
Undercover Blue Riot

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