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  "There is only one kind of shock worse than the totally unexpected: the expected for which one has refused to prepare." - Mary Renault  

Friday 7th of August 2015.

"What are you doing Dawson, come on?" Asked the beautiful woman, who was waiting as she gestures to the seat next to her.

Sliding away from the high door frame, I trudge over to her and plop down, stretching softly. "Nothing, I'm just tired Mum." Mum wraps her arm around me and pulls me closer, laying a soft butterfly kiss on my temple, making me smile.

She presses start on the remote after we've settled in.

An hour goes by, when a familiar loud noise sounds throughout the house. Raising my brows to Mum, she just shrugs, a curious expression painted across her own face. "I'm not sure who it is Dawson, but I'll get it."

I stand quickly before she can and playfully glare back at her. "You best stay sat down, Missy." She huffs, grinning as she pauses the movie, pouting.

Laughing as I leave the room, I shake my head. Mum needs tons of rest, that's what the midwife said so I'm going to make sure she gets it. I quicken my steps. Who would come by at this time anyway?

I open the frosted glass door, and start to lift my eyes to say hi, when I'm knocked out of the way roughly. A sharp pain radiates up my back as I slam into the wall. "Wh-what are you doing!" I shout in fright as a tall frame stalks his way through the hall.

Rushing after him, I see him stomping up to Mum. "No- please, stop!" I beg him, but he doesn't listen. My heart drops in horror as I watch Mum slowly stand. Her slight frame trembles, her normally soft features pinched, 'Michael, you're not supposed to be here!' She accuses him harshly. Immediately after she stops, falling back on the sofa with a yelp.

"Where is it?" Dad barks, spit flying over Mum's face.

"Mum!" I cry out in a panic, covering my mouth. I eye her as she covers her midsection, her blue gaze lit up with pain and shock. I try to go forward, needing him away from Mum. But then she lifts her palm up to me, forcing me to stop short in disbelief as she keeps her gaze trained on my father. His wide shoulders shaking.

"Give it to me Amelia...!" Dad's tone rapidly gets more aggressive with each word he spits. He balls up both his hands into fists.

"Where's my money?"

Mum appears hopeless, and rage fills my body. How dare he. His money. It's Mum's money, not his. He's drained all the accounts they once had together. Mum hasn't got anything left to give. We were struggling enough to pay rent. He wasn't even supposed to be here.

Turning to stare at her, I felt sucker punched as I take in Mum's eyes that start filling with giant glittering tears. I could see that she's starting to give up with her wild curls flying everywhere, some sticking to her wet stained cheeks.

She's exhausted, not even wiping the spit from her skin. I had to do something, anything. I move quickly behind Dad. Mum didn't notice and neither did dad. He stood a couple of steps away leaning down into Mum's face, his whole body shaking in anger from her not answering him.

I blew out a silent breath as I got into position behind him. I knew this was the right thing to do. I kicked sharply into the back of his leg with everything I had.

"Ow!" I whisper in aching pain. I held my breath as I watched Dad be pushed forward a small step, almost tripping over the top of Mum, but he caught himself with surprise, letting out a loud grunt.

I start to shake, as he finally turns his 6'2-foot frame around to glare at me. Finallying getting a good look at him, his eyes are darker than I've ever seen them. I feel better now that I have his whole attention.

I hate that people do such cruel things to people, people who they're supposed to have loved.

Wincing, I could hardly recognise him. His appearance is... terrible. I could see that he's lost a lot of weight since I saw him last eight months ago.

I acknowledge a pair of ripped trainers on his feet that look like they were once grey covered in old stained dirt. All of his clothes are too big for him. He looks like someone that can't fend for himself. I lift my gaze up to his face, that's now filthy with a greyish beard. He's never had a beard before.

I didn't know it was him until Mum said his name. I inhale a breath to fill my lungs, realising he smells like the bins I used to have to walk pass to get to the Cake Cafe I work at on the weekends.

The only thing I can see that hasn't changed is his light brown hair. Except now it's standing up on its ends like he's been putting his hands through it constantly in frustration. He used to be a boss of a shipping company named Bendtens. He always used to wear suits confidently. He used to be handsome with his defined jaw, straight nose, and light skin tone that made his teal green eyes pop.

Peering into his eyes right now, I see my own eyes reflecting back. All I can think is, 'What happened to you?'  


Give it a try you might surprise yourself!

If you see any mistakes please point them out to me :D

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edited by - @kelsie0393 

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